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Monday, April 1, 2019

Review: Captain Marvel (2019) - Marvel Legends Yon-Rogg and Captain Marvel (Airforce Colors and Airforce Jacket Versions)

 So for the last batch of MCU Captain Marvel figure reviews (minus the Binary form which hasn't hit stores yet and I don't feel like paying double the price for one). And honestly, it was a really good set of figures. I would have preferred more MCU figures over Genis-Vell and Grey Gargoyle but what can you do? I still need to review Black Bolt and Namor from the Okoye Build-a-Figure wave. I haven't rewatched Captain Marvel yet but I do want to rewatch it. I will watch Shazam though. That comes out soon, this weekend? Anyway, I love Captain Marvel herself, she's such a cool character with an awesome design and Brie Larson is cute so yeah. Let's get started.

 She was the first figure that I got from the wave and I'm glad she didn't come with a BAF piece.
 Second figure, I'm not sure how I feel about this figure though.
 I forgot to take a picture of Yon-Rogg in his box which is surprising, I looked everywhere in my files but nothing to be found. The boxart is pretty cool.
 I like the artwork for Brie, this one looks the most like her which is a weird thing to say since the other ones don't really look like her.
 Like this one, but she still looks cute but it doesn't really look like Brie.


"Leader of the Starforce team, Yon-Rogg is a hero among the Kree and a key asset to the Supreme Intelligence in the war against the Skrulls."
Okay, this is a great figure but it has a couple things that I find very disappointing. One, it doesn't come with a Jude Law head and two, it doesn't come with a holster for the blaster. The feet are very large, kinda look like clown feet.
 The thighs also have this weird paint inconsistency that bothers me, it doesn't have the details fully painted there. The forearm cannon blaster things get in the way of the double elbow which is a shame. I don't think there was another way of doing that, maybe a swivel where the detail starts?
 Mine has the eyes painted or maybe the helmet attached weird but the eyes look offset and it looks awkward from certain angles.
 Much like Starforce Captain Marvel, I love the paint they chose for the green, it's such a pleasant color. It just goes so well with the rest of the figure's colors, the black and the silver star emblem on the chest. The blaster is just a plain gray plastic.
 He can hold it well in his huge man hands (they're oversized)
The gauntlets could have also been bigger, still, a great figure. I wish the rest of the Starforce crew was made in this scale or at least made to begin with.
It also makes your Vers and Minerva look much more official when you have them together.
 Besides the head and holster missing, it's probably one of my favorite figures to mess around with.

 Captain Marvel

"Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes. Captain Marvel, when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races."
 The airforce colors go great with the design they chose. I wasn't sure how they would translate the design of her uniform in figure form. They did well, even though the sash is now a belt around the waist. She is made from a red plastic painted with a shiny blue paint which looks fantastic.
 You see all of the small lines painted with care. The gold could be shinier though but c'est la vie.
 The Carol Danvers head is the same as the Starforce one, does it look like Brie Larson? Kind of? I guess it does, she has curly hair and the mole under her left eye.
 She's fairly articulated although I hate the ball jointed "ab" crunch. The hair gets in the way of the head articulation but you can fiddle around with it at the expense of the hair warping.
I wish she had double elbows, the single joint limits the amount of poses she can hold which is a shame. She comes with two fists that go forward and back.
 You can have her punch at her enemies. Beat the crud out of them.
 Aside from other accessories she comes with a pair of open palms and a masked head which I'll get to in a bit.
 She doesn't really come with effect pieces which I think she should have come with anyway but Binary will have them.
The neck is painted blue but it's sculpted as if it's supposed to be painted in a flesh tone. It does end up looking weird as if it's missing paint.
 The masked head is really cool, she has a smirk and the eyes a pure white. You can see her pupils in the movie in certain scenes. It just felt pretty random for when she did and didn't have them.
 The hair is flowing and it's very dynamic, I think I would have preferred a more neutral expression though.
 You can get a lot more range of motion from this head since the hair is a mohawk.
 The other version is the Airforce Jacket Captian Marvel which reuses most of the previous figure's parts but with a jacket and a different head sculpt.
"Accompanied by her furry sidekick, Goose, Captain Marvel suits up to defend the universe from intergalactic threats."
The only new parts are the hands, head, jacket and arms. the rest is identical minus the neck paint application.
 The jacket looks good on the figure but I don't know if we needed this version that *SPOILER ALERT* Only appears at the end of the movie.
 The jacket has the detail painted on, it's a little faded.
 The fisted hands are a little loose on this figure but there's plenty of swapping that you can do.
 She also comes with Goose the cat.
 This version of Goose is very free, he doesn't even have his collar!
 It's sculpted well and kinda looks like the figures you get at the dollar store. He can sit down well but that's about it, he doesn't do much.
 The head fits on the other body but the balljoint isn't that deep so it looks weird. The hair is too short if you ask me.
 The neutral head looks so much better on this figure.
 A good addition to the collection, they're still in stores fairly easy to find. I'm sure they'll go on clearance soon but they're a solid wave.
 Out of all of the Captain Marvels in the line, I have to say Starforce version is the best of the three. Still, it's nice to have most of the cast in figure from but we need the rest even Ronan the accuser needs to be there.

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