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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Review: Marvel Stud10s - Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - Marvel Legends The First Ten Years Ronan the Accuser

They call him Terrorist. Radical. Zealot. But his name is Ronan the Accuser and he's pretty darn awesome even though he is just a crazy Kree warrior that throws tantrums because Thanos called him a boy. He was the villain from Guardians of The Galaxy (2014) but also had a cameo in this years Captain Marvel (2019) where he has a very different uniform. He is a nice addition to the collection and it's one of the few new sculpts that aren't repaints or repackaged Build-A-Figures from previous waves. As great as this figure is, there's one big flaw that just ruins it for me.

The box is nothing special, it has the Ravager emblem which stands for the Guardians and the film logo on the bottom right corner.
The side has a brief summary of the character in the film.

"Sent on a mission by Thanos to recover the mystical entity known as the orb, Ronan discovers that the target he seeks is in fact an all-powerful infinity stone. Ronan uses the stone to destroy the Nova Corps's fleet. but is ultimately destroyed by his own greed when the Guardians of the Galaxy take the orb back and use it to entirely obliterate him."
The back also has some more bio and the poster. As well as a profile picture for his social media profile.

"An avid loyalist to the Kree whose family was killed in the Kree-Nova War, Ronan agrees to a partnership with Thanos in order to take down the Nova Corps on Xandar once and for all."

A nice addition to the Build-a-Picture, some concept art of Star-Lord as well.
You could also display this way. We're more than halfway there!
Ronan has a pretty complex uniform and looking at pictures from Captain Marvel it's identical as that one you just need different colors so I'll try that as well. The red streaks on the chest make him look a lot more intimidating.
Honestly he has the best sculpt out of all of the Marvel Legends figures in The First Ten Years line.
The face paint and purple eyes look cool in certain angles but he doesn't really look like Lee Pace.
He comes with one accessory, his hammer with the Power Stone attached, the handle is weird and it''s pretty heavy so it will warp the hands with time. The hammer does have a name, it's called a Cosmi-Rod.
You can see the Power stone on the left side of the hammer. It has a really nice paint job and it doesn't look like just a piece of plastic.
He'll fit in with you other Marvel Legends figures and yes, I did in fact pay $100 to get the entire Guardians of the Galaxy Groot BAF wave just for this review.
The articulation is basic for a Marvel Legends and it isn't limited to the sculpt, you have great range of motion all around.
Even with the soft plastic skirt you still have good range of motion on the legs.
The head has pretty good range despite the cowl that sculpted on. There is a catch though.
The cowl and shoulder pads are all part of the head. It's the dumbest sculpt decision I have ever seen. It'll really stupid looking, If you turn the head even slightly it'll look off.
You have to get crafty if you want to make look anywhere that isn't straight forward.
The right hand has an up and down swivel but the left one has gunslinger action for some reason but it works well when he holds the hammer with two hands.
Watching Guardians made me like this figure more and now all we need are his henchmen and maybe a Guardians of the Galaxy Thanos.
There's so many options to display this figure. He's a good compliment to your Guardians figures.
Especifically the Groot Build-a-Figure wave. Mainly Drax and Rocket since they come with the Hadron Enforcer which Drax or Star-Lord could hold. Also Star-Lord comes with the Orb.
So the best way to display him is with a mixture of the Guardians 1 & 2 figures. It's a shame that this awesome figure was ruined by the terrible design on the head and cowl. If it wasn't for that this would have been my favorite Marvel Legends figure. I'm looking forward to seeing Guardians 3 and thankfully James Gunn was rehired. If you see him, get him. He has 29.99 at GameStop and he might be going on clearance soon? I don't know I see him occasionally but I'm going to hunt down another two to customize. 

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