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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Review: Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018) - Marvel Legends Cull Obsidian Wave Ant-Man & The Wasp

I didn't get to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp in theaters for the reason that I hadn't watched Ant-Man so I was able to watch it once it was available on Hulu. I loved Ant-Man and I thought Ant-Man and the Wasp was alright, not great, not bad. There were some things about it that rubbed me the wrong way such as pacing and the ending, especially the ending. I did enjoy seeing Evangeline Lilly kick butt as Hope Pym. She also rocks a ponytail, I love it! Also Paul Rudd is still so incredibly funny in this one, the magic scene was one of my favorite parts of the film. I do like these figures but honestly the Figuarts look so much nicer but this is what I can afford (I could afford the Figuarts if I didn't get any Legends period...). Still, these aren't bad and they get the job done.

Ant-Man (3rd Suit)

This is a neat design although I prefer the overall look of the first suit. This one is a lot more streamlined and looks the most like the Civil War version of the suit. The red returns to the helmet giving it a lot more color.
I do like the silver pieces on the forearms and he has a wider, buffer (?) build. He doesn't look as scrawny as the first figure did.
The antennae are much thicker on this head but they're also softer. This one for some reason has painted eyes which is a shame since Wasp has translucent plastic in the eyes and you can see Hope's eyes through them. Wish they had done it with this one.
Much like the first figure, the design of the helmet limits the range of the head. It can only go up so far before you pop it off.
Articulation everywhere else isn't limited, the shoulders are a little too tight for my liking which seems to be a common theme throughout the movie figures.
I don't know if it's the way the shoulders are sculpted but they end up tighter than I would prefer. I don't want to break my precious Ant-Man figure!
One thing that does annoy me about this guy is the belt, it's so loose that it ends up coming down and it just looks weird, I wish it would stay in one place and not move. Much like The First Ten Years 2-pack, I wish he had two fists instead of a fist and one grabby hand.
You do get an unmasked Scott Lang head which surprisingly looks a lot like Paul Rudd, not an exact likeness but it does, it looks like a face he would pull off.
Although because of the smile, there's not many things I can do with him. It's still fun to have on.


Wasps costume is pretty good, the proportions on this figure aren't great but they work.
I like the details in the costume throughout, especially the panels and the really thin red lines along the costume. She has a really nice shiny gold paint and some silver here and there such as the backpack and the stingers on the wrist.
The helmet is the coolest part of the figure, the mask has a translucent visor and you can see Hope's eyes through the helmet, wish they had done that with Ant-Man.
The most unfortunate thing about this figure is the elbows. Seriously, why can't Hasbro put double elbows on their female figures, especially those who do a lot of hand to hand combat in the film. It can sorta do 90 degrees but it's not enough to pull off cool fighting poses.
There are some really cool dynamic poses you can pull off because of the character, but of course, what's a Wasp without her wings?
This is a separate piece and the wings are on the same line, I wish they were ball jointed but this works. They can get in the way of each other so be mindful how you pose them.
She also has two open palms that you can use for her when she's flying.
The wings do a lot for the wasp, they complete the look and she looks gorgeous with these flying poses.
The colors on this figure are much nicer but the Figuarts overall is the better figure.
One thing that this has over the Figuarts is the Evangeline Lilly or Hope Pym head.
She looks like her and she has a ponytail which I like more than the sort hair but they both look good.
This is a good set of figures, unfortunately they didn't have Ghost as a part of the Cull Obsidian wave but I'm happy to hear that Luis and Ghost will be in a two pack. Instead of Luis I would have preferred a Hank Pym in his usual attire or even in his Quantum Suit. Maybe that will be another 2-pack, a Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne set.
I still like these two as a pair, they complement each other, it's almost as if they were made for one another. I'm looking forward to the next installment in the Ant-Man film series. They should be easy to find, especially Wasp for a low price. I haven't seen Scott lower in price anywhere.

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