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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame (2019) - Marvel Legends Ronin and Captain America (Quantum Suit)

I watched Avengers: Endgame as soon as it came out for the early release on Thursday Night. I had to go to Washington D.C. for the weekend and I wouldn't be able to watch it when in D.C. so I needed to watch it as soon as possible! The earliest viewing I'd be able to go to would be the 11 PM showing, I left work at 9:15 and got home around 9.46 and got to the theater at 10:30. There was a very long line starting from the Highway onto the parking lot of the theater. Took a while to get parking but I eventually found some. I got home at 3 AM and it was totally worth it! As for these two versions of the characters, I saw them way before the movie came out because of the concept art leaks. The Quantum suits and Ronin had been out for a while, I initially thought that the suits were just for the toys so they'd make an extra profit, you know make people buy more versions of the characters and they wouldn't be in the movie, kind of like Hasbro does with the Power Rangers figures. Let's get to the review, also Endgame is amazing you should go watch it, I've watched it three times already!


According to some sources, the Ronin persona is used by a couple characters but in this case, it's Hawkeye after his family was snapped away at the beginning of the film. In those 5 years he had gone around trying to kill other criminals who were still around after Thanos snapped his fingers. 
Initially I wasn't the biggest fan of the design of the figure, he looked clunky and honestly it still does, the Figuarts looks incredible but for $20 I'd still choose this one over the import. I've warmed up to this one as well. I like the wrinkles on the suit and the gold lines pop.
The headsculpt is separate from the hood which is good, Ronan should have done this as well but c'est la vie. The hood looks kinda funny, sort of a modern Ninja which is basically what he is.
The hood is held by mere willpower, not really, more like friction and it does an okay job at it. Sometimes it looks odd but for the most part it works. It doesn't necessarily hinder the head articulation but you can't really move the head around too much without the hood falling off.
He just looks great! again, from certain angles, the jacket is a separate piece and since it's made out of a thicker soft plastic it just makes it seem as if the jacket is way too big.
He does come with quite a few accessories, one of them being his Kanata which he can store neatly in the sheath on his back. It's very detailed and fits in the hands pretty well. Ronin has gold painted palms so if you put on and take away the sword too often it'll chip the paint which is a shame.
His other accessory is a smaller blade with a different handle but it's detailed pretty much the same.
He can hold them in various sorts of grips, I wish he had gunslinger action on his wrists since he would be able to point the sword forward.
What I hadn't noticed before was this little detail, I believe that the sword is supposed to come from the boot, both blades can fit in the back but the handle on the smaller one resembles the sculpted detail on the right boot.
He comes with one additional hand that has three shurikens, it's a cool effect but it's tricky to get a good angle so that it looks convincing.
Seriously, even though he's in the movie for a scene or a small segment, I enjoyed that part since it was a tribute to Japanese filmmaking and even a little bit of Tokusatsu which I really enjoyed.
I love this figure, the design is pretty good and the whole Ninja aesthetic works for me.
The coat is removable, it's a little tricky because of the way the arms go through them. There is a lot of detail underneath and makes me wonder why a Clint Barton head wasn't a part of this figure.
The whole detail is Hawkeye's uniform for the rest of the movie and it's unfortunate that it's not painted but a little customizing wouldn't hurt.

Captain America

When it comes to the suit that this figure sports, I initially thought it was just a marketing thing. Well, the first time I saw it I thought it was fanart based on theories after Ant-Man & The Wasp came out featuring the Quantum realm thing. Still, after I saw it was official artwork I thought it was for just toys. Prototypes and leaks of the basic figures but I still didn't know if they were going to appear in the film until I saw the Marvel Legends prototype. Then the first trailer came out and the suits were a white rather than a gray color. I don't mind this color, but I wish they were more film accurate.
The suit looks pretty cool, it's grown on me for some strange reason and seeing it in the big screen makes me like this a little more. It's a cool team suit design, there's so many intricate little details throughout the suit.
The detail on the left hand shows the tracker that Tony Stark designed to travel through time via the Quantum realm. My favorite part of this costume is the Avengers logo on the chest. For the head, it's not the most accurate in the world and that includes the promotional artwork that they used, the helmet for this figure is based on the one that he used in the first Avengers movie.
The detail so much better on this head and the paint is good but it's a little underwhelming. The one from the promotional pictures has a chin strap that isn't here. I wish they released updated versions of the original Avengers in their uniforms from 2012. It's probably the best time to do that since they do go back in time during the Battle of New York. 
The shield is pretty good, it's the same as the one that they've been using since who knows when. It has nice metallic paint and the straps are fixed. The shield fits well on the left arm but it fits much better on the right one because of the grabby hand. Unfortunately it's the only accessory. He doesn't come with a build-a-figure piece, everyone thought it was going to be a pegwarmer and they weren't wrong. I for one, have two of these figures for reasons that I'll get into soon.
The straps are fully detailed, you can see the buckles and bolts and even the underside of the shield. The front of it has a nice metallic sheen, the bottom of is pretty dull but since you don't really look at that side it doesn't really matter.
For this figure especifically, I wasn't too thrilled, the whole wave looked pretty plain, minus Ebony Maw and Ronin. Three MCU figures total and then Citizen V, Nighthawk, Hercules, and Living Laser, three other characters that I didn't recognize and didn't care much for. I'll admit that Living Laser and Hercules are probably my favorite figures.
But he looks cool, the way the articulation is laid out isn't bad, nothing gets in the way, I did have a bit of trouble with his left elbow since one of the pins was coming loose but I fixed that with some hot water.
Another accessory they could have used was alternate heads, maybe a Steve Rogers head or a newer updated Tony Stark head, that would have been great!
All the joints on this figure are just right, not too tight not too loose. The ball joint is a little big on this one. The Steve Rogers head from the First Ten Years Civil War 2-Pack doesn't fit, I'm sure if I put the head in hot water it would force its way in but I don't want to risk damaging it.
The Tony Stark head from the First Ten Years Iron Man 2-Pack, and the Cull Obsidian Ant-Man & The Wasp Scott Lang heads fit this figure perfectly... if only the Steve Rogers head fit!
The head is leagues better than the 2012 Avengers Captain America that I actually bought back when Avengers was in theaters. It was the only one of all of the figure that I did find. I have mixed feeling about that figure but I learned to like it. This head does fit that body but the neck is a little too long.
Ronin is a must get, he's such a great figure and if you like the Quantum Realm suits, you can also pick up Captain America, the head, admittedly, looks a little goofy but it's still an overall good figure. When the wave first hit, there were extremely hard to find, don't get me wrong they're still hard to find at most Wal-Marts but certain ones have several figures, one Wal-Mart in particular had enough of each figures to build Three Thanos! And boy was I tempted to get all of them. There's just something so satisfying about completing a wave. As for pricing, it depends, in general, via Amazon and Target the figures are 19.99 a piece, in Walmart they're a little cheaper about 18.95 (which makes a difference if you buy several) and in certain places like GameStop or FYE they're about 22.99 or 27.99 respectively. I bought another Hercules from FYE for 27.99 about two weeks after I completed the set for an extra Thanos head and boy did I regret it because a couple days later I found another Hercules at a Wal-Mart near my home. For Captain America specifically, I believe he's about $16 on Amazon so get em while they're hot otherwise you'll have to pay the ridiculous 3rd party prices, good luck!

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