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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame - Target Exclusive Marvel Legends Quantum Suit Hawkeye and Black Widow 2-Pack

There was a leak for more Quantum Suit figures in Marvel Legends form. Initially I just thought it'd be Captain America but then these showed up. It was a Target Exclusive 2-pack of Hawkeye and Black Widow with their new hairdos. Eventually this was available through a placeholder page on the Target website. Prior to the release I had been looking at various different Targets in New Jersey and 
Pennsylvania. The Marvel Legends group that I'm a part of on facebook posted that they were available about an hour before I saw the post and I was happy to see that there were two in stock in a Target near my house so I jumped on it ASAP. I went to pick it up, they told me that people were looking for these all day and they didn't know they'd be available for pickup. Then I had to get a set of 4 new tires... that was fun.

Marvel's Hawkeye

I was excited about this one because of the Hawkeye head, this is also my very first Hawkeye figure. The body identical to the Captain America one which you can look at here.
Same paint, same detail, same articulation, although I didn't have any issues on these. The head is the best part. It does have a slight likeness to Jeremy Renner, it's not perfect but it gets the point across. The hair does look pretty cool, I wish I could rock that do.
His other accessory is a bow, no arrow with this one or even a quiver which is a shame. He can hold it in his only grabby hand. He doesn't come with any other sets of hands so you're stuck with a left fist and a right grabby hand. He can't pull back the string either but I guess you could pose him.
It fits perfectly with the Ronin body which looks amazing! I do prefer the mask and hood for that figure though but since the coat is removable...
You can make a movie accurate Hawkeye, just paint the details on the chest and you're good to go.
Admittedly it isn't perfect, the neck is a little too long and it looks weird in certain angles. The neck is also painted black instead of a flesh color so you can fiddle around with that.
The two grabby hands allow for a wider range of poses with the bow which is great.
Here's all of the different variations of Clint in the movie. Besides Scott Lang, he is the second to put on the Quantum suit. He does the first trial run in time travel and it's successful!

Black Widow

The female Quantum suit was something to be excited about. And if you want to complete the set of people with suits you need at least two of these. The sculpt looks a little odd in certain parts, specifically the lower torso and she's got tiny feet!
The paint is a little sloppy on the Quantum tracker but the great thing about this figure is the double elbow joints! It's great to see that and I hope that more female figures have this joint (although I doubt they would unless they make new basic arms). You also get a brand new Natasha Romanoff head that has a great likeness to Scarlett Johansson, and the sculpt on the hair is fantastic, the braids and even the blonde tip at the end of the braid. I love it.
She comes with the batons that the Infinity War Black Widow came with so nothing new here.
It still plugs in at the ends and it's made out of very soft plastic that will warp easily.
If you do some parts swapping you get a close approximation of her in her Endgame uniform.
It's not super accurate because it doesn't have the panels but it works. I'm not so sure that they would make a new Black Widow figure. If they made a new one they should put it in a 2-pack with Hawkeye or in a 3-pack with Hawkeye and the Stonekeeper. That would work, maybe give her a pair of guns instead of whatever the Infinity War version was carrying around. 
Next to the kitbashed Hawkeye she looks great! Not accurate but still good!
It's great to have the options to do this, I just wish they were a little bit more accurate.
I wonder why they did the Quantum Suit versions of them instead of the one's that appeared later on in the film.
Either way it works and there must be a reason why because the 2-pack comes with additional accessories that aren't just for these two.
You also get three heads, Iron Man and Ant-Man helmets for the male body and a Nebula head for the female body. The unfortunate part is that this is not accurate to the movie. Except for Nebula but the Mantis Build-A-Figure Nebula is much much better. Maybe a Tony Stark or Scott Lang head would have been good or a Quantum suit helmet which is nowhere to be seen in the toy lines. Hot Toys does have a very promising Quantum suit series of figures for an extremely high price.
The Ant-Man helmet is identical to the Cull Obsidian BAF Ant-Man, the shading is a little different.
The Iron Man helmet is a Mark L helmet, I'm looking forward to seeing a Mark LXXXV (85) figure soon, there's so many characters in the movie I don't know if they'll get around to do them all.
The nebula head is a little too matte, it kinda looks like a bootleg. The eyes are a little off as well.
She does have good detailing but the lack of metallic paint is disappointing. It is a new head sculpt though, you can see the bronze pieces on her face.
She comes with her blaster that is nicely detailed. It's a silver-ish color with a hint of gold paint. She can't hold it well because of the hand sculpt and how thin the handle is.
I'm glad I got the set, there are another 4 figures to go. Thor, Hulk, Rocket and War Machine. Hulk and War Machine could be a 2-pack and Rocket and Thor could go together in a 2-pack as well. Especially since they would be unique molds unlike these characters.
It's nice to have the team even if they're not all that accurate. Especially with the arm details.
Apparently these will be hard to get like most Exclusives. They're about $40 a piece and they're perfect for army building. They should be able to fit most Marvel Legends heads if you want to mess around with that. Still, I'm excited to see what Hasbro has in store in the future.

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