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Friday, May 31, 2019

Review: Godzilla (2014) - NECA Godzilla (2014) 12" Head to Tail

It's 5/31 and unfortunately I haven't gotten a chance to watch Godzilla: King of the Monsters yet. I'm probably get around to getting it this weekend hopefully. It's been so busy and with so many things going on all the time I completely forgot I was gonna watch it on the 30th (Thursday night) and I need to wake up early for Saturday so I didn't want to watch it because I'd get home late. I did watch Godzilla (2014) in theaters when it came out, not the day of but eventually. I was in class and one of my classmates spoiled something after I had explicitly told them "no spoilers pls" but c'est la vie. I loved it and I was very excited and a little nervous because of Godzilla (1998) but this looked promising and they wouldn't mess it up a second time right? Well, thankfully they didn't!
While very different from the usual Japanese design, it still hits most of the points. It's very "American" in the way it looks aesthetically which is okay. It's still a tail dragging bipedal lizard with spikes on its back that spits fire. The dorsal fins aren't the usual branching out kind, they are more spikey and much smaller than the usual. And I don't hate it, I think it suits the design a lot more.

From the front, well, actually depending on the angle he looks very "buff" the chest is very square. And the little bit of brown paint can be found there. His eyes also look a little derpy from the front but that's just a usual Godzilla trait y'know.
The head is small and angular. It doesn't look like the usual Gojira head, and as you can see no ears! Which makes sense for a lizard and it works here. The eyes are painted okay, and the mouth isn't super articulated.
There aren't any accessories but it does kind of sort of make up for it in articulation. It is a lot but not enough to rival S.H. Monsterarts. Most of the joints that attach in and from the torso are ball joints. The tail is all ball joints and the last segment has a metal rod attached to it so it can bend. I wouldn't mess with it too much otherwise you'd break it. The arms, wirsts, and knees are on a swivel and hinge joint so it can do a lot there. Ankles are ball jointed but very limited. The knees are also extremely tight and click at three points I believe.
Admittedly, I love this figure, it does it's job at portraying the character and it's fairly accurate. I think NECA had access to the model that they used in the film and honestly, I think it shows in certain parts. The head and face... not so much. The hands look pretty cool as well, the feet are also elephant feet which look neat.
He can get in pretty dynamic poses if you're creative and if you can pose him right he looks incredible. Bad poses make a figure look bad, remember that, no matter how nice the figure is. 

While he doesn't come with accessories, he is in perfect scale for S.H. Monsterarts so if you have any of the accessory packs you can have some fun with that.
Since this is a 6" tall and 12" long figure, it's about 1/600 scale so find some accessories there.
If you got the smaller Godzilla toys that came out back in 2014 or some of the newer packs they come with small buildings that go well with this figure.
I loved the movie and I'm excited to see King of the Monsters. My favorite part was the atomic breath scene, that's always an essential Godzilla moment you want to capture. Especially with the new movie coming out he's being re-released. Overall, it's a great figure and a cheap alternative to any imports. The QC is also much better than the newer figure... we'll get into that later.

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