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Monday, May 20, 2019

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Legacy Collection Build-A-Megazord Dino Megazord // Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink Rangers

Collector figures aren't anything new to the Power Rangers series, however this was quite the treat when they came out. This was the most articulated and affordable figures to come out for the Power Rangers series. S.H. Figuarts were out in Japan and those were premium figures, about $40+ per figure if you were lucky. The best we had in the early 2010s were the Armored Might figures, which for about $16 you got a very articulated Ranger and a bunch of accessories but they only made a couple characters for that one unfortunately. It had a lot of potential, the downside to those were that they were very beefed up, incredibly muscular which wasn't accurate to the show. Eventually the Legacy Collection 6.5" figures were released and they were incredible! They were going to be released in waves, not entire teams at once. So the MMPR and Ninja Storm Rangers released first. Red, Blue, and Yellow for Ninja Storm, and Red and Green for Mighty Morphin. I passed on these and boy did I regret that later. I bought the White Ranger and Yellow along with Ninja Storm Yellow and Blue when a Wal-Mart near me closed down so they were $5 a piece. After that I needed to have the rest. I eventually completed the MMPR team about 2 years after Wal-Mart closed and I got the movie figures once Toys R Us closed. Let's get to the review!

Of course with Power Rangers you have different helmets but the same costume just in a different color. The body is identical with the color of the suit changing depending on the character.
The shoulders on these rangers always looked weird to me but I guess they were going for the pointy shoulder look but it just looks strange. The back is painted nicely.
Each ranger has an individual helmet and belt buckle sculpt. All of the iconic ranger details are there like the sentai gloves and boots which I love seeing.

Red Ranger

Tyrannosaurus! There were two different Red Rangers who used this particular suit, the first was Jason who was the leader of the Power Rangers in season one. The second was Rocky who wasn't the leader in season two and three. The helmet is very iconic, although it does look a little off. It's very angular and not round enough for my liking. Especially around the eyes where the detail sticks out.
The buckler has all the detail it needs and it shows the T-Rex coin which is neat. The belt is painted a nice white color and a hole for the holster.
He has a pair of grabby hands and not much else. The head is on a hinge and swivel. He can look up and down pretty far but looking side to side can be awkward because of the way the join is put together. You just have to get creative as to how you position his head without him looking lost.
Despite the weird detail on the shoulder it does get good range. A hinge and swivel on the shoulders, double jointed elbows, a wrist swivel, and a ball jointed wrist.
The legs are ball jointed at the hip, thigh swivels which aren't too restrictive, double knee articulation, boot swivel, hinge and swivel at the ankle.

Black Ranger

Mastodon! Again, another ranger who went through a casting change in the second season. Zack was the fun dance who was the Black Ranger in season one. He would mix his dancing with his fighting and get a cool mix of the two. He was later replaced by Adam who was the Black Ranger from season two and three. He was incredibly good at martial arts with a strong Shaolin background.
The helmet is very recognizable, the tusks and the trunk in the front of the suit look nice especially with the white outlines. The eyes are yellow instead of black for his Mastodon.
The belt was the Mastodon coin, but doesn't have the lightning bolts painted. The belt is also gray...
He has the same exact articulation as the Red Ranger.
He was part of the second wave of figures that were released for the Lightning Collection.

Blue Ranger

Triceratops! The Blue Ranger, yet another helmet that I'll never forget especially since most Power Rangers shirts had either, the entire team or just the guys. So I got very acquainted will Billy. The brains of the team, very techy and could invent lots of useful things.
The helmet as the three horns with the yellow eyes as well as the "break" on the upper lip.
The buckle shows the Tricera coin, unfortunately, the bolts aren't painted and the belt is grey for some reason. I'm not sure why honestly.
Same articulated as the other two.
I'm not sure which of the three I prefer, I do like Red the most but out of all of them I feel like the Blue Ranger is the most nostalgic to me for some reason.
The girls share a similar mold for the most part, the only difference is the skirt.

Yellow Ranger

Sabertooth Tiger! Trini was the Yellow Ranger for the first reason and later replaced by Aisha in seasons two and three. Originally, Tigerranger, her japanese counterpart was a boy, literally, his name was "Boi." This is the reason why Trini doesn't wear a skirt but Kimberly does.
The sculpt is very thin and there are a couple differences with the articulation.
She's extremely dynamic because of the lack of skirt and I love that, she can pull off so many different poses because the legs are slim and lack muscle definition.
The helmet is the only helmet to have ears which makes sense but why didn't Mastodon have ears in the helmet? Still, black eyes and a silver nose. The fangs look neat in the helmet.
The Sabertooth Tiger coin is nicely detailed with the white belt.
She was part of the Third wave with the White Ranger.
Unfortunately for her she doesn't have double elbows which is lame. She does have a diaphragm ball joint has quite the range of motion.

Pink Ranger

Pterodactyl! Kimberly, along with Billy are two characters that aren't replaced in the later seasons... Oh wait, she was replaced in season three by Kat.
The skirt piece is connected to her belt and it's made out of a soft plastic which has a slit on the side.
Unfortunately it's not enough, it limits the articulation on the hips by a lot. The helmet is also two different colors which is a trend with a lot of Pink Rangers. It's the only Ranger to not have a mouth visor.
The Pterodactyl coin is nice and clearly sculpted, the belt is sivel here as well though.
She was part of the second wave with the Black and Blue Rangers.
It's a real shame that the skirt messed with the articulation. If it wasn't for that she'd have great posability like the Yellow Ranger.
Still, it's nice to have the full team. And her skirt even has the pointy tip with the white outline!
They don't come with many accessories but they do have the Blade Blaster in holster mode but not much else. No Power Weapons or Blade Blaster in Blade or Blaster mode.
Together they look fantastic and the different colored belts don't bother me as much as I thought they would. If you look hard enough you'll notice.
To have a fully articulated team is wonderful but they have no one to go up against, all of the figures in the line were Rangers. Towards the end of the line's life they did release a total of three villains. And two additional ones which were exclusives.

Dino Megazord

So if you stayed with the waves, it might have taken you three waves to build the Dino Megazord. And honestly, it looks good but there are so many issues I have with this figure that took about $100 to build. The detail is great, it's a stylized and the proportions are very long. 
It's a very slim version of the Megazord. Unfortunately, for a $100 figure, it's not very well painted. All of the detail is there but there is the bare minimum of paint used on the detailing which is very disappointing especially since the Rangers didn't come with any useful accessories.
The detail on the head is the best part of this figure though, the rest is okay. It's on a very restricted ball joint which is limited due to the way the head is sculpted.
The shoulders are on a ball joint, the hips are too. The knees for some reason are ball jointed. And I don't know who had the bright idea to do that but it was a terrible idea. It does have a bit of a slit? for it to bend more at the knee but doesn't work. The knees pop out very easily and even getting a basic standing posture looks strange.
The elbows are single jointed and there isn't a swivel at the bicep or elbow.
You also don't get a sword! Why not?! You could have had a Mastodon shield and a sword but no!
The shield is exclusive to the SDCC Metallic Red Ranger for some odd reason.
It's about a head taller than the Rangers, 7-7.5" in height. I do like it but it's just not perfect. Still I'm glad I have it, you can find these Rangers at GameStop in store since they're rereleased. You can find them online through Amazon and Wal-Mart. I'd recommend Wal-Mart since they're a lot cheaper. So good luck!

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