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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Review: Avengers: Infinity War - Scarlet Witch & Vision Toys R Us Exclusive 2-pack

Toys R Us closed almost a year ago and I never got a chance to see this in stores. I did see it on Amazon for about $63 months ago but I didn't buy it. Eventually I had to get this so I searched on eBay and  the cheapest one was $99 so I did... by accident. So now I have this and I only paid twice the amount the retail price. Oh and there's a couple things that annoy me about this particular pair that I have, let's get to it.

Scarlet Witch

This Scarlet Witch is a repaint of one that had been previously released but of course, it's much much better. The colors are nicer and she has the slightest resemblance to Elizabeth Olsen.
The hands are articulated two different ways and honestly it works because of the gestures that she does. Unfortunately my Scarlet Witch has her eyes ever so slightly offset from the center which can be an eyesore if you notice it. The necklace is also nicely painted and the hair has nice color variation. It does restrict the head articulation but it's possible.
Of course she comes with one pair of accessories, and those are the hex effects that look neat, they can also be repurposed for Captain Marvel but the colors fit Wanda a lot more.
The problem with Wanda are her feet which make her hard to stand, the same can be said with most female figures, especially if they have heels. It's mainly due to the small feet that the figures tend to have.
Honestly, it's not like she's going to have super dynamic poses so a ton of articulation wont matter unless you want her to, the thing for me is I need more arm range and the single elbow joint and swivel doesn't do Wanda justice.
The range is very limited it can barely get to 90 degrees but the hand gestures and the wrist articulation does help a lot.
I just wish I had gotten a much nice face on my Scarlet Witch, I'll get another pair at some point, hopefully for less than $100.


This is Vision's first appearance as a Marvel Legends and it's a shame that it's in this 2-pack but it is an overall nice figure, the cape on mine is very thick and hard unlike the Thor cape where it's very flexible and pliable.
The cape is a separate piece, and it only pegs on the back and it goes over the head, the front part would hover over the chest but I glued it on with super glue because it started to annoy me and honestly, it works so much better.
With and without the cape he looks a little scrawny, which is a little disappointing because it makes him look malnourished and frail. Especially with the legs, they're so skinny and the sculpt looks strange, maybe mine are slightly warped. The unfortunate thing about my vision, besides the cape, is the left shoulder. I thought it was another double right shoulder situation like I had with the 2-pack Falcon, but no, it's actually painted on the wrong side and it makes me angry because it was so expensive.
The head does look a bit like Paul Bettany, as much as you can with all of the makeup on him. I was surprised how much it resembles the Civil War knock-off, of course it's much better quality but that figure looked a lot like this one, the articulation was different with the torso. This one has an ab crunch and a waist swivel.
If you try, he can get in really cool poses, and since my cape is a little warped it does come in for really nice shots in certain angles. He comes with two fists with wrist hinges.
And open palms, they're not relaxed, the fingers are spread out on him but it works for flying shots.
Since he looks frail, you can also get him in some distressed shots after he's been impaled by Corvus Glaive.
He is significantly smaller than most of the Black Order but he's not much taller than the other Avengers and it just makes him look frailer.
Overall, I like this set, not this particular one that I have but I'm glad I have them.
They make for a good couple and it's nice to have them for the Infinity War lineup or even part of the Civil War lineup.
If you can find them, for a reasonable price, get them, not that you'll be able to for something that isn't over $80. If you do, hook me up!

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