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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame (2019) - Marvel Legends Iron Man Mark LXXXV (85) (Endgame Thor Wave)

 Now time to go back to reviews! Sorry it's been busy busy and burned out I have been. Here's the Mark 85 Iron Man from the third Endgame wave for the Marvel Legend figures this year. I had been waiting for this one for a while and there are things I like about it and things I think could have been done a lot better. It's December and we're getting closer and closer to the end of the year, Endgame has been in and out of theaters, in DVD, on digital, and on Disney + for a while at this point so I'm pretty sure most people watching this have already watched Endgame. Let's get to the review!

 Same o' box, Endgame logo with "Iron Man Mark LXXXV" in the front.
 The side has a nice shot of Iron Man, I really like the color of the box art of this wave.

 "Tony Stark gears up in his highly-advanced Mark LXXXV armor."

So Iron Man comes with a bunch of stuff, you get 4 sets of effect pieces, another set of hands, a left arm with an interchangeable hand, and the Nanotech Gauntlet.

 Iron Man Mark LXXXV

This figure looks amazing, I love the way the panels are done, it's very sleek and it looks a lot cooler than the all red Mark L armor. It does look a lot more like the old comic armors like the Iron Man Armor Model 4. I like the silver pieces along the suit and it does take a lot of cues from the previously released armor. Unfortunately the chest doesn't have the best detailed Arc Reactor, it's a very sloppy paint job.
 The helmet is also much better here, it has a smoother faceplate and the mouth has a nice black outline which highlights the detail there. There's additional detail on the helmet that's painted silver.
 Overall, posture isn't too bad, I think the head and shoulders look much better than the Mark L.
 You get a pair of fists with hinges at the wrist.
 You also get a pair of open hands with peg holes at the palms for the repulsors or thrusters. It is finally hinged, we've had Iron Man figures without an articulated wrists, so seeing him with these is a little more refreshing.
 You do get 4 of them, they peg in well but not all the way since the peg hole isn't that deep due to the wrist hinge. 
 They do peg at the feet but mine had a minor defect on the foot which is a shame, the heel is messed up and the detailed is a little screwed up on the left foot. I have to spend some time trying to fit in the peg in there but it's possible.
 He does look amazing with all of the repulsors, they had a blue-greenish hue to them.
 I do wish they extended a little bit more but I understand why they had to be like they are.
 As a whole, it's a big improvement, however there's some issues I have with the articulation.
 The head is on a hinge and pin which allows it to swivel, since it's a pin it wont let you attach any other heads via ball joints and that's very disappointing. The shoulders have good range but don't really out well. There's a bicep swivel and double jointed elbows which don't straighten all the way so you'll always have this slight curve with the arms to the side.
 The diaphragm joint isn't too bad but it's not as moveable as the one from the Mark L.
 Feet are on a pin for rocker ankles, a hinge which works fairly well. Double jointed knees which are pretty nice, they're not too distracting and they work fairly well.
 The thigh swivel which was extremely scary for me. Mine were so tight I had to apply some force in other to break the seal that was created from the paint. I thought I was going to break it honestly but it worked! They're still very tight. The hips are in a ball joint I think or on a hinge and swivel, unfortunately, you don't get much up or forward with them which is a shame.
 You also get one more thing, a Gauntlet! It's not made for him though, it's actually made for the Hulk in the previous wave. It does fit well but due to the design of the Hulk, it doesn't look right so we'll have to see how the Diamond Select one scales up.
 Yeah, it's not the best look but it does fit in pretty well, I like the option although I won't have him displayed this way.
 In the end, this is nice, there's a lot of things that could have been added to the figure, maybe an additional hand with the infinity stones or an unmasked head which we desperately need!
 It does fit in scale with the other figures, you can recreate the team that went to New York in 2012.
 He scales well with the other figures, taller than Cap but shorter than Thanos.
 Same height as Mark L, but taller than the Team Suit body with Iron Man Helmet.
 Shorter than Mark VII and taller than Mark I.
 Taller than Mark 049 Rescue and shorter than Iron Patriot which is appropriate since that suit is basically a full Tank.
 Taller than the Iron Spider and Tony Stark from the First Ten Years set.
Here he is next to the 80th Anniversary Iron Man (Model 4) which is the suit he's most likely based after and it looks good, I think they did a great job.
 It's a great figure, I love the way it looks and it just looks good on my Avengers: Endgame display. I'll see if I can get another one with a better foot. I got mine at Wal-Mart for $16.85 since they were on Rollback which was lucky for me. They should be $18.95 otherwise, $19.99 elsewhere such as Target, Amazon, HasbroPulse, etc. $22.99 at GameStop and they have started showing up. I'm not sure if we'll see this body again, we didn't get a lot of boxsets that were Endgame themed so I'm looking forward to that. Happy Hunting!

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