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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Review: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - (First Edition) Black Series (90) Supreme Leader Kylo Ren

 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has been out for about a week and I want to go see it again. Seriously, I really loved the film and my Shifu, who loves Star Wars and wasn't the biggest fan of The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi, loved it! There's so much to it and not having a lot of history with the franchise, especially since I only just go really into it over this past year, helped. I like the character of Kylo Ren, he's interesting and I think the way some of the internet sees him is pretty funny. Let's get to it.

 The box looks amazing, especially the first edition box since the white really makes the box-art pop.
 The side is identical but the white box looks better.
 The back looks identical although the art looks a little bigger than the regular box, that isn't the case.
 The First Edition box looks so much better, I wish that could have been the Black Series boxes from now on.

 "As Supreme Leader of the First Order. Kylo Ren wields more power than ever before. Nevertheless, Ren continues to search the secrets of the Force from the depths of the dark side."

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren 

 This is a reused body from the previous release of the figure. It is nicely sculpted and the textures of the wrinkled clothes and his jacket are amazing. He has a semi European styled look, but at the same time, very Japanese? The skirt and belt are a separate piece and they move around quite a bit. He does have a noticeable slouch which I'm not the biggest fan of, especially since he doesn't slouch as much as he did in the last film. He does have pretty good range of articulation. The waist joint is ball jointed and does get good range for a lot of different poses. The helmet looks amazing, I love it, at first I wasn't the biggest fan of it but it started to grow on me. I wish it had a shinier sheen to it rather than the dull color it has now. The red along the helmet is supposed to be where they put it back together. The silver ar the top isn't a bad paint job, it's actually like that in the movie but it looks better there.
 He comes with his cloak which is similar to the one from The Last Jedi but this one come with a hood that can attach to the top. It does look good but there's a gap at the top of the head.
Initially I wanted to keep him like this since this is how he looks in most of the promotional art but after a while, he looks too eh, and the hoodie comes off way too easily.
 You don't get the full range of the ball joint of the head with this on which is a shame since he has really good head articulation.
 There's another piece you can attach to the cape if you want his hood to be down. I think he looks a lot better like this.
 He can turn his head around this way and it makes the slouch look not as bad.
 He comes with the hilt of his saber, it's nicely detailed and has some good grey shade at the end of the hilt.
 It can be held with both hands, not that he'll need to, but he can.
 There's a little peg on the end of the hilt that attached to the belt pretty well.
 He comes with his lit up Saber and it has a pretty good effect for the light piece. It looks very angry!
 He can hold his lightsaber with both hands with minimal effort. It still has the peg which is strange since he couldn't need to attach this one to the belt...
 As a figure... He's loads of fun, you can get him to do a load of poses and there's one downside to him. It's the cape, this could have easily been a cloth cape, but since it doesn't attach at the front it would fall off much like Jedi Master Luke's cloak which is a pain the butt.
 That aside, he's easy to pose. Double jointed knees, ball jointed hips, shoulders are on a hinge and swivel. The elbows are a single hinge but they allow for past 90-degree bend.
Elbows are on a swivel at the pin. Wrists are on a hinge and swivel. Ankle has a pin for rocker and hinge for forward and back action.
 The waist is on a ball joint, the head is on a hinge and ball joint. He does scale pretty well with Rey and I just like having these two figures next to each other.
 In the end, great movie, this one should be relatively easy to get unless the popularity on Kylo Ren skyrockets. He's solid and I'll have him as the main piece of my Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker display, not that there's that many figures to begin with, or at least for now. I'm looking forward to more of these figures. He's about $20 everywhere but FYE (about $27) and GameStop ($22.99) and I'm sure he'll be cheaper online, try Amazon, if you have prime, free shipping, yay! Happy Hunting!

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