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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Review: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers/Power Rangers Zeo - Hasbro Lightning Collection Armored Red Ranger and Zeo Gold Ranger Jason 2-Pack (San Diego Comic Con Exclusive)

Okay, so I didn't go to San Diego Comic Con so how did I get this set? Did I pay outrageous prices online for this? I almost did! And I thought that $110 for this set is fair since the set itself is $49.99 and that doesn't take into account travel, hotel, and the ticket for the event so suddenly anything over the original price isn't so outrageous. Thankfully I didn't have to do that, I did however, pay the Hasbro Pulse Premium Membership for about $50-$60 to buy this but I didn't just get this set, otherwise it would have been fine just getting this through eBay. I also got the Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary Vintage Series Hulk, the Collector and Grandmaster 2-pack, the Luke Skywalker 3-pack, and the Sith Trooper, so I got a pretty good deal honestly. I did miss the Boba Fett because... I forgot honestly and I think I'll be okay without it since I care about accurate live action appearances anyway, but it will haunt my completionist side forever... I might get it in the future but not anytime soon. Anyway, I got standard shipping and it came within a couple days after I purchased it. I know a lot of people were upset that this set sold out as quickly as it did but it's to be expected, I consider myself lucky that I did get this since it sold out within minutes!

The packaging looks amazing! There's a tray or base that holds the box together, or at least the box's box. It's the same on both sides but it does look neat where it is. It has nice art of the Red Ranger and Gold Ranger helmets. 
Once you take off the box you get the pasic packaging style, the faces on the two packs are facing the front, you also get to see everything or most of the accessories from the window. 

The right side of the box has the Red Ranger helmet which has all of the details the prop did.
The helmet on the left is the Gold Ranger helmet which looks nice and symmetrical. I like the shading on both helmets. What is interesting is that you can see the armor on the Gold Ranger but not the Red Ranger... how weird. 

Everything is held in place and unfortunately the legs on my Red Ranger were very warped out of the box so I had to do some heating of the water in order to fix it.

Mighty Morphin' Red Ranger

Obviously, the Red Ranger is from the very first season of Power Rangers called Mighty Morphin Power Rangers which is based of the 16th season of Super Sentai, Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger. *SPOILERS* Tyrannoranger gets the Dragon Shield after his brother passed away, *SPOILERS* but in MMPR, once Tommy loses his powers he gives his coin to Jason and then he can summon the power of the Dragon Shield! Euya! 
Looking at the Red Ranger, it's nothing we haven't seen before, it's a very familiar looking figure and we've had so many version of him I can't think of where to start. The base body looks different but it might use a lot of parts that the White Ranger uses. The forearms, shins, biceps are different. The shield does cover the chest but it is painted under there, we'll get on that later. The shield is detailed very nicely, a nice shade of gold but it's still a little butterscotchy, not as shiny as the GameStop Legacy Collection Armored Red Ranger but not as bad as the Gold Ranger from the Legacy Collection. The diamonds on the boots and cuffs are on point, you even have the appropriate detailing for the Sentai boots where the piece of leather going up the front of the boot stops right before the diamonds. The glover are also the iconic Sentai gloves. 
 The belt is brand new but it's painted silver! Which is very inaccurate, it's supposed to be gold, the coin is there but hard to make out. The red ring and the black bolts with the black holder is on point, nothing is out of place. Wish I could say the same about my Green Ranger but more on that for another review. The holsters for the Blade Blaster and the Dragon Dagger are attached to the belt, it's one whole piece, they don't come off. The holster are also painted appropriately, there's some black spots on the belt that do both me a little bit but it's easy to forget. The belt is missing the little box or buckle that actually buckles the belt in the back but no biggie. It is nice to see the wrinkles and seams as well as the detailing where the zippers would be in the sculpt. 
The helmet... isn't perfect and to be fair, not a lot of helmets are. In my opinion the best helmets are the one from the 20th Anniversary Armored Might figure and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2010 3.75" figure. This one misses the mark, big time, the helmet looks awkward, the visor is the downfall, the detailing on the T-rex portion is nice, all that needs to be there is there. The visor is too large and the silver/white trim is supposed to go around the visor in the front.
You do get a fair amount of accessories, a pair of closed fists which all figures should have!
A pair of grabby hands that double as "T-rex hands" that he does during the roll call.
You get a holstered Blade Blaster which is nicely detailed it does look a little fat but it's actually about the same size of the Legacy Collection one. It does have the very basic of color schemed but I'm glad it was included.
It can be held but it's a little soft so I would be careful. He doesn't use it so it goes in the holster.
There's also the Blade Blaster in gun mode which looks accurate, it does have a very minimalistic paint job. Unfortunately the hands don't have gunslinger action so it will always have a weird tilt.
He does come with all of the Power Weapons which is neat! They come combined but they do separate. We'll talk about the Power Sword first.
It's really nice, a nice shiny silver for the blade, the gold details on the coin and the trim of the guard. The black on the handle but it is missing bits of paint such as the blue on the small circles or spheres on the sides of the coin. The gold trim on the handle is also missing but I understand why.
Thankfully he does have the articulation to hold it with two hands but the paint does scuff easily. The handle on mine is already missing some paint on one side of the handle.
The Dragon Dagger which isn't very different from the one that comes in the Legacy Collection.
The basic paint is there including the detail on the keys. The wrist is also not equipped to play the Dagger as a flute which is a shame. It is tricky to get right but possible.
The main draw is the Jason head, or at least the first one, initially I thought it was Rocky but a closer look proved me wrong. This one has the nicely combed hair and a smiling face. 
The face printing is on point although it's a bit uncanny, it doesn't look right but it does look like Austin St. John. 
The other weapons include the Power Axe!
Which does transform into blaster mode!
The Power Bow!
With some hooks to hold the other weapons in place, there's also a slot where it attaches to the Power Axe. It's unpainted on that side though.
The Power Daggers which are amazing!
The Power Lance! Which has the small pieces in order to transform, the Blue Ranger will probably come with the long lance.
Assembling them is fairly easy and straightforward. Unfortunately, the Power Axe doesn't have the top part to clasp the Power Bow, it should have, especially since the barrel slides into place.
It does look great but we just need the other Rangers to complete the look! I'm glad they gave us the option but the Power Sword would have been the only accessory he really needed. I would have been okay without the other weapons but it's impressive that they gave us all of them right now even though the weapons the others will come with will be identical to this one.
Articulation is basic, ball joint and hinge at the head, ball jointed hips, butterfly shoulders, hinge and swivel at the shoulders. Bicep and thigh swivel, both hands have a hinge and a swivel at the pin. Double jointed knees and elbows. Ball jointed diaphragm, hinge and pin for rocker at the ankle.
The shield doesn't get in the way that much which is a nice treat! Such a great figure but that's only half of the full set!

Gold Ranger

Jason isn't the first Gold Ranger, it's actually Trey of Triforia who split into three and could not control the powers so they needed to transfer them as a way to prevent them from getting lost. Jason then inherited the powers until he lost them at the end of the season because he had to give them back. Power Rangers Zeo was based off the 18th season of Super Sentai, Choriki Sentai Ohranger where Kingranger is a kid, much like Kibaranger Koushinsei Kou in Dairanger. 
The costume itself is amazing, Hips and lower abdomen are reused, everything else is new. The cuffs, straps, and bands are nicely sculpted on the figure. I like how the Gold looks with the Black and White in the suit. Upper torso has the Zeo detailing as well, the armor is a soft plastic, very similar to the White Ranger's. This does have the buckle on the back and the King symbol in the front buckle. 
The helmet is better than the Red Ranger's and because of the design and sculpt, it's easily my favorite out of the two. The helmet has the half star pattern over the visor. The gold trim around the "王" shaped visor, which uses the Kanji for King which is why he's called Kingranger in Ohranger.
You get the same set of accessories as the Red Ranger, a pair of fists.
A pair of grabby hands which gold the Gold Power Staff with ease.
It does have two different modes, the closed on which is almost identical to the Legacy Collection one but in harder plastic, mine is a little warped unfortunately. It does have the basic colors and incredible detailing.
The articulation on the wrist don't accommodate for the poses with the staff...
There's also the opened one which has the stereo shaped center.
The silver piece is down, that's actually the bladed part of the weapon. I do wish it slid since the position changed in the show from time to time but it's okay. It's nice they included it since there was another figure that was supposed to have it.
There's also a lightning effect included that you can use wherever. It wraps around but since it's soft it warps easily and loses its hold quickly.
It does come in handy for more dynamic poses but you have to position it right so it doesn't fall.
There's a second Jason head which I think looks much more like Austin St. John, the eyes look a little off center on mine but it's okay, this one is the more accurate of the two in my opinion. 
I feel like this is the face that Austin St. John made during most of the promotional stuff for Power Rangers, here's a good example.
He doesn't come with a choppy hand which would complete the signature pose but if you have an extra hand laying around from your White Ranger or Green Ranger you can just slap it on ta-da!
Honestly, this is my favorite of the two figures.
It just looks more dynamic for some reason and the lack of holster makes him look better.
It's also a figure we don't get often, there's a couple decent ones that were previously released like the Super Legends one or the one that was released as a part of the 5" Action Hero line from Super Megaforce. The staff is okay, it's not super great of a weapon but it does look cool, I wish the blade slid but it does make sense why it doesn't. Although, at the same time, if the Power Axe barrel slides why doesn't this one?
 There's a height difference between the Legacy Collection figures and the Lightning Collection ones but these are just so much better.
Here are other figures from the line, the White Ranger and the Fighting Spirit Green Ranger.
Articulation is identical: ball joint and hinge at the head, ball jointed hips, butterfly shoulders, hinge and swivel at the shoulders. Bicep and thigh swivel, both hands have a hinge and a swivel at the pin. Double jointed knees and elbows. Ball jointed diaphragm, hinge and pin for rocker at the ankle.
The shield doesn't get in the way which is a great touch and it's soft enough that it does allow for a good range of motion for the arms by the shoulder which isn't something you get with 6th rangers since they usually have armor on.
I'm excited to see more figures, I cannot wait until a whole team is finished but we don't know how long that will take. The next wave is supposed to have the Red Ranger and I wonder if he'll come with the Rocky head, there's also one more for the Dino Charge team and Beast Morphers team. Lord Drakkon will also make an appearance which is nice since that one was a Con exclusive.
We do need more Red Rangers, what good is a team without the Red Ranger? That's just me, I do like Red and will not complain if we get a whole wave of Red.
As for this set, it's gonna cost you, especially if you didn't get one either at the Con or Hasbro Pulse. If you can get them for a little over $50, I think it's a good deal, if you pay a little over $100, I think that's fair considering the context of going there to buy it and all the expenses that you'd have to pay. Happy hunting, this was very much worth it for me and I'm happy with what I got. 

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