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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Review: Marvel Comics - Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary Captain America

Captain America, the super soldier! When I saw the prototype for this figure I was so excited, it looked like a brand new sculpted figure and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. A great representation of the classic Captain America look. I don't have many comic caps, the only other one I have is the one from the Vintage Series with that nice right blue color that doesn't really go with Cap since it doesn't really match the flags colors. There are some issues I have with this figure though, I'll go over that in a little bit.

The box is the same as the other figures but with the Captain America logo in the front. All of the accessories are visible from the window of the box.
The side has a nice rendition by Alex Ross, you see where the figure got the inspiration from the design. Unfortunately the face didn't get the memo...
 The back has a bio and another picture by Alex Ross.
It just looks amazing, all the colors, shades, and lightning, just completes the look.
 "As World War II unfolds, and super-powered beings emerge across the world, the patriotic hero Captain America is revealed, ushering in a new age of Marvels."
Everything is nicely placed, little to no warping because he isn't in a pose. 
Out of the box, I love the way he looks. The shade of blue goes fantastic, it has a metallic sheen on the scales and a more dull sheen on the rest of the costume. The white is nice and bright as well as the red on the mid torso. The gloves and pirate boots are bright and red. The belt is also a separate piece.
There is a lot of reuse here, the new parts include the upper torso, the shoulders and biceps. The scales are sculpted on those parts, the rest of the body is identical to the one from the Vintage Series.
The head looks okay, it's not perfect by any means, it looks... strange. The head sculpt includes the ears and the seams along the cowl. The "A" is sculpted on and extruded. The wings are also a separate piece, you see the feathers are sculpted on.
He comes with a pair of fists for punching Nazis, and if you don't have any Nazi figures you can...
Have him punch other super villains.
He has a pair of grabby hands that are fused at the fingertips so I made a little cut to make it easier for him to hold other things.
Mjölnir fits on his hand nicely after the cut. 
The shield is basic, there's a little connector piece that can flip from the peg to the hook.
With the hook it just wraps around the hand and it stays well enough to pose, it does slide off easily, I wish they did the straps like they do for the MCU Caps. Be careful with the peg because it will lose its integrity over time and it'll break which is what happened to my Hydra Supreme after this shoot.
You have to flip it over to have the peg which is used for this figure.
It attaches to the throwing effect that I never liked, this one is a little sturdier than the other so they arm will hold the weight of the effect and she shield.
It will also peg in the back of Captain America, without the straps it does look a little strange but it's nice to have the option.
 My shield is a little smudged which makes me sad but it was the best Captain America that didn't have issues with the paint for the face.
The alternate head has a wider mouth and it just looks strange to me. I don't like this head at all, it doesn't help that the eyes are wonky either.
Articulation is basic Marvel Legends, hinge and swivel at the hips and shoulders.
Double jointed knees and elbows for extra range of motion. Hinge and swivel at the wrist for the hands. Hinge and pin for rocker action at the ankles.
A bicep, waist, and thigh swivels. Swivel at the boot, ab crunch, and hinge and ball joint for the head.
It's just a standard Captain America figure with an upgraded look that looks fantastic.
He's in between the Hydra Supreme Captain America and the Serpent Society (King Cobra), I think Hydra Supreme should be a little taller though but I'm glad they scale together well.
Just a hair taller than the Vintage Series Captain America. The head is a great improvement compared to that one. He's also noticeably taller than the Endgame Captain America with the scales on his suit.
About the same size as the Iron Man and just short enough next to Thor. 
I do like this figure a lot but I also think it could have been a lot better, especially with the QC issues on the face. It's showing up at Target, Wal-Mart and GameStop for about $24.99 but good luck finding one, it's a hot item which is understandable, much like most of the 80th Anniversary stuff. I found this one at the same time I found my Iron Man and I was so excited! I was so focused on trying to get one with good paint applications on the head that I completely forgot to check the shield! He'll also look great with the other three from the line, you can get your Avengers shelf growing with the big three. I'm excited for more figures of this quality, no build-a-figure but slightly more expensive. I wish they did that for all figures but I understand why they don't there'd be a lot of peg warmers, The Black Series, Lighting Collection, and Overwatch Ultimates have that problem and even Marvel Legends still has that issue where one figure with a BAF piece or not will just sit on shelves for centuries. Happy hunting!

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