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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Review: Marvel Comics - Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary The Mighty Thor

The 80th Anniversary line is going strong and they gave us plenty of amazing figures. One of the ones I was most excited for were the big three: Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America. I was most excited about Thor since I didn't have a comic Thor to go with my other comic Avenger figures so this was my change. I did see the other comic Thors that were previously released and I wasn't too impressed. He was the first one I found at a Target a couple months ago and I got him asap! He was the only one and it wasn't until a couple weeks later that he started to show up in stores. Let's take a look at this figure.

The box has a nice aesthetic that most of the 80th Anniversary line has, the rectangular box with the 80th Logo at the top and the character logo that reads "The Mighty Thor."
You can see all of the accessories cleary from the window of the box. The side has a piece of artwork from Alex Ross that looks incredible! A very nice interpretation of Thor using the classic design.
The back also has a lot more to it, a logo, a bio, and another piece of art.
The artwork has a lot of scenes from Thor's life as well as Loki in the center looking evil. You see a young Thor, the Avengers, his father, and the warriors three.
The logo has some frames from Marvel comics, it looks very nice.
"A mighty Asgardian, Thor is the God of Thunder and the son of Odin, King of the Asgardians. He wields the hammer Mjölnir, and has the power to call lightning from the heavens to strike down his enemies." 
Out of the box he looks great, all of the details of his suit are sculpted in the figure which isn't the case for most characters in Marvel Legends. All of the details that need to be there are there, the shorts, the silver studs, the pointy things at the shoulders. Even the cuffs are separate pieces. 
The cape is a separate piece and has nice wrinkle detailing. The arms are re-used from the Hercules from the Armored Thanos Endgame wave. The boots look amazing and they have the knee covers but it was a weird choice to have the cut for the boot swivel where it was, it just breaks the sculpt too much and looks strange.
Taking a closer look the suit has a lot of texture and wrinkles sculpted in, as well as seams. The belt buckle has a the T for Thor as well as the wing tips from the top of the helmet.
The head looks amazing, the hair is a separate piece, as well as the helmet. The helmet is painted a nice glossy silver color with really nicely sculpted wings on the sides. There's also the spike at the top of the helmet. The face isn't terrible but it's super fantastic either, I feel like it could be a lot better.
He does come with a grabby hand and a fist already out of the package.
The left hand can be swapped for a rather dynamic open hand.
He also comes with his trusty hammer, Mjölnir! 
It's nicely detailed however, I wish the strap wasn't the same color as the handle. It does have a nice texture on the hammer head.
It also has an encryption on one side complete with a nice black wash, it isn't hard to read.
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall posses the power of... THOR."
He does hold it well, the handle does seem a little small and the strap a little too thick, it's long enough to go around the wrist but it would restrict the wrist articulation.
Since the strap is pretty thick you can have him hold the strap and it'll carry the weight of the hammerhead without falling.
Now, there is a bit of a downside, the figure is hard to pose due to the weight and size of the cape. 
You can't have him crouch too much because the cape will get in the way or you have to position him just right just so that he doesn't fall over. The hair can also get in the way of the head articulation, standard Marvel Legends articulation, but you can barely use it since the hair is pretty thick. The cape gets in the way so he can't turn a lot unless you make the hair go over the cape and risk warping the hair. He also can't look up because of the hair in the back.
There are a lot of good points to the figure, the ball jointed diaphragm is one of the strong points, I wish all the Marvel Legends had this since it does get a better range of motion, especially with the ab crunch for extra forward and back.
The thighs are a little tick and the way the hip is sculpted it doesn't allow for a ton of range going forward with the leg. There is a thigh cut that allows it to swivel well.
The knees are double jointed but the boot cuff is weird, basic ML ankle articulation.
The elbow is double hinged, the bicep swivel is good, the wrist in on a pin which allows it to swivel.
Good range at the shoulders, although the shoulders of his costume do get in the way but not too much.
The right wrist has good hammer wielding action and the both left hands have great flexion and extension articulation.
I still think the boot could have been handled better but it does help with certain poses a lot more than no boot swivel. I do like how the Hydra Supreme Captain America had the ankle swivel, I wish they had more of that instead of the boot swivel because of examples like this one.
You could replace the cape with a cloth one but you wouldn't get the same amount of detail.
He does fit in with some of his main foes lik Malekith and Loki who share the same body and head.
Very similar body and build for Beta Ray Bill, some bits are shared between these two figures, he scales well with the Incredible Hulk.
He's in between two of the MCU Thors, Thor: The Dark World Thor from The First Ten Years Marvel Legends and the Avengers: Infinity War Thor from the Cull Obsidian Build-a-Figure.
A lightning effect would have been very much appreciated but no such thing was included which is a little sad but it is quite a large figure compared to Iron Man and Thor from the same line. He is around $24.99 in Target, Wal-Mart, and GameStop. He came out recently so he should be slightly easier to find than the other two so keep an eye out. I'm a big fan of the figure but I wish all the other figures had this amount of detail but it does make sense why they don't. Happy hunting!

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