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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Review: Marvel Stud10s - Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - Marvel Legends The First Ten Years Red Skull and Hydra Soldiers

 The Red Skull, Captain America's arch nemesis and a character that I'm not too familiar with besides thinking he looks strange in the comics with the shape of the head. When I saw the movie I thought the MCU version of Red Skull looked pretty cool and kinda creepy. That wasn't his first appearance in live action from, he had appeared in the 1990 Captain America movie and he looked strange. Anyway, it's been so long since I watched the film and I don't remember much but looking at some clips, the movie looks pretty good, I really need to rewatch these because I'm sure I'll appreciate them a lot more now than I did then.

 The box is pretty basic for The First Ten Years line. You get the logo for Captain America which is based on his shield.
You get a nice shot of Red Skull's face and the poster for Captain America: The First Avenger.

 "Obsessed with the power of the Tesseract, Johann Schmidt teams up with Dr. Arnim Zola to create a super-charged arms force that will change the fate of World War II... and the world."

On the side you get some artwork from the movie as well as Legends Series 2 with more bio on the Red Skull.

"Hydra leader Johann Schmidt creates tesseract-powered weapons to destroy American cities, but doesn't anticipate interference from newly-dubbed hero, Captain America. In their first meeting, Schmidt removes his mask to reveal crimson skin. A signature hue that has earned him the name,
'Red Skull.'"

The artwork continues from the Iron Man 2-pack with Tony Stark and the Mark 1.
 Out of the box he comes with the Red Skull head, the uniform is very detailed and honestly it looks like something from Star Wars The Black Series. The detail doesn't hinder the articulation except on the waist. The long jacket is made out of a soft plastic and it just looks like a skirt rather than part of the jacket. My first Red Skull had wonky ankles that were hard to pose and made him difficult to stand.
 The Hydra logo is on the shoulder of the left side and on the belt buckle.
 The head itself looks fairly accurate, he's showing his teeth and it would have been better if his mouth was closed. I wish he came with the "masked" head.
 The cuts on the biceps make him a lot more dynamic, he doesn't come with any other accessories for his Red Skull mode.
 His hands do have trigger fingers and you can give him any gun and he'll hold, the pointer doesn't really reach the trigger though.
 If you have a Captain America he'll fit right in. With the 80th anniversary figures coming out this year, I'm excited to have Peggy and Steve Rogers to go with this figure.
 There is another version of him that was released and came with a 1:1 scale Tesseract but he also doesn't come with an additional human head. His uniform is different, I'll get it at some point.
 As for accessories that aren't for him, you get a harness. It's fairly easy to put on, took me a while to figure it out. I think I had to see a review to see how to do it.
 It fits well but it can be a loose fit, the belt was a less detailed version of the Hydra logo on the buckle. The silver pack in the back and the varying degrees of silver make it look nice.
 As you can see, it might be a little short, it doesn't really cover the regular belt but you can pull up the skirt piece since it's one whole piece with the belt.
 You also get 3 heads for you to pick from if you only buy one, but who would only buy one?
 This is what I like to call the "standard" Hydra soldier head.
 They make for good goons, the silver paint with googles and the very "sharp" details on this work. The flesh tone is a good pick, but the lips don't have additional paint.
 The second one I see more as a commander I guess, his helmet is smoother, with red lenses and a rounder shape. Still no paint on the lips.
 This one looks a little strange to me though.
 The final one is almost identical to the "standard" one plus a mouth piece, so it's a full mask or helmet. It looks cooler and more intimidating.
 I choose to display this one with the Hydra Assault Rifle which is beautifully painted in a silver and metallic black paint.
 These are perfect for the army builds, makes me want more but they had a bigger variety of weapons in the movie. I wonder if and how they'll release those.
They also come with another extra hand that doesn't have a trigger finger, it's used to hold some part of the rifle but the barrel is too thick and the left trigger hand can hold the handle so get creative I guess.
 The thing that does bug me is that the trigger finger is too short or that the trigger is too far so you'd have to warp the hand so much in order to get it in there.
 I know (now) it's not a flamethrower but the flame effect looks cool, so if you can get your hands on a bunch of these I highly recommend it. The original price was about $25 so I only got one.
 Later on there were some on clearance for $13 so I bought two more and was thinking about going back and getting more.
 Afterwards, they dropped even more and instead of $13 they were $5 a pop!
 So of course I bought some more and boy and I glad I did, I have a little army and I might get a couple more from eBay to make it an even 8 or even 12...
 Seriously though, I would not pay full price for an army of these, although I did do that with the Dora Milaje but it was only 3 total! Anyway, I'm happy with the amount that I do have and if I can get more for less than $15 I'll do it! Thankfully all of The First Ten Years figures are dropping in price which makes my life so much easier. I only paid full price for this one and the next figure, I got discounts on the rest, although at this point I only need one more set.

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