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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Review: Captain Marvel (2019) - Target Exclusive Marvel Legends Captain Marvel (Starforce) & Minerva + Brief Movie Review

 So, Captain Marvel, comics wise, I'm not very familiar with this character but I do like her design. I'm more familiar with the Warbird costume and the red, blue, and yellow color scheme with the short hair which looks cute if you ask me. Anyways, as far as the movie goes, I watched it yesterday with my mom and brother and we got the 9 P.M. screening since all the other ones were sold out and boy was it amazing. The only bad thing about that was that we weren't allowed to bring in our Starbucks but there was a worker there who was wearing the Captain Marvel costume which was pretty neat. I wasn't expecting anything in particular but what I got I liked. The action was good, and Brie Larson as Carol Danvers is a great choice if you ask me. I liked her as the very cocky soldier and she was very funny. The few things that were strange were the young Nick Fury and Agent Coulson as well as the CGI that looked goofy at times. If I get the chance I'll watch it again. I'll try to keep the review light on spoilers. Be warned, this movie might get you into "Please Mr. Postman" by The Marvelettes (it's a very good song, I have on loop).

 This is a Target exclusive, they recently started popping up but they shouldn't be too hard to find.
 The sides have artwork of Captain Marvel with her helmet on which keeps her from drowning or suffocating. There's a bit of an energy field when she's underwater or in space.
 On the back you see same pose but unmasked. She looks like she has shorter hair here but it looks good. I fully support Brie Larson as Carol Danvers. I like. Very much.
"Using her intensive training from her days in the Air Force, 
Carol Danvers boldly leads an intergalactic fleet as Captain Marvel."

Vers (Captain Marvel)

At the beginning of the movie, she's a Kree soldier that goes by the name Vers (Veers) and she is trying to control her temper and her powers. The design of the suit is very practical, it's the most realistic way to get the costume in live-action form without it being just spandex with a design printed on it. The color scheme looks really good. I really like the shiny glossy green paint that they used for the Starforce suits, the Kree colors. The silver goes well with the glossy green and black. The neck up top is painted black which is mostly due to the helmet which we'll talk about soon. Honestly, I'm very tempted to get a third one just to display unmasked.
 My favorite part of the suit is probably the Starforce logo, it just looks so aesthetically pleasing.
The hair is nicely textured and shaded, it's not a flat color and it just makes it look better. It does get in the way of the articulation when she's look up or trying to pose her in certain angles.
 The face is very neutral, although it does seem like there's a smirk in there somewhere.
 She has her beauty mark under her left eye, out of all my 4 unmasked heads, some looks slightly off with the face printing but none of them are completely off thankfully.
The masked head does get a lot more range due to the way the hair is sculpted. I wasn't sure how they were gonna do this version of her. I believe it was Tamashii Nations who spoiled the masked head by revealing the Starforce and the Airforce colors with the mask.
 This head has a smirk, and the pupils aren't visible which I'm okay with. They weren't in the movie either, although they did show up occasionally.
Profile is the best way to view this head. The hair is so dynamic and it just looks neat.
 Have her beat up some scrolls with the mohawk hair. The detail on the side of the head has some black paint. Overall I like the look of the masked head, I'm not sure which one I like more though, the masked head or the unmasked head... So many possibilities. This figure didn't really come with accessories for her but she did come with alternate parts!


Gemma Chan portrays Doctor Minerva in the film, however she looks a lot better in the movie than she does in figure form. Gemma also looks a lot better in blue with her hair draped on one side. Just my personal opinion. I'm familiar with her from Crazy Rich Asians which is an awesome film and you should go watch that too just saying. You get a sash with what looks like ammunition and a scarf.
 She also comes with hands that have blue fingers. The right hand is a trigger finger and the left on holds the blaster. It's unfortunate that she didn't have fists. 
The head has short hair and a mask which, again looks better in the movie. Oh. My. GOD! I just realized that she has pink lips here and in the movie she has blue lips! That's gonna bother me... thankfully I have two heads so I might customize one. But seriously though, look at how pretty Gemma Chan is as Minerva.
 She also comes with a Kree blaster which looks accurate but the color is off. It should be green instead of a bronze-ish orange.
While it's a pain to get on her right hand she's able to hold it high enough to snipe some Kree.
 Admittedly she looks pretty cool but she has such a poor grip on her rifle that it's hard to pose.
 Another thing that bothers me is that the sash and scarf are loose and don't really stay in place. If anything the scarf gets on the way of the sash.
 I don't regret buying two but it will add up if you do buy two. It's about 19.99 at Target and I think they're in stock online so jump on that.
 I really enjoyed the film and the Kree Sentry wave, I'm strongly considering watching the movie a couple more times. I'm also pumped for Endgame next month. And I'll probably watch Shazam! and I'll tell you right now, I'm not expecting much.
 No offense to DC but the Marvel Cinematic Universe is so well done and I've just been underwhelmed and unimpressed with the DC movies that have come out. And I will say that Superman is my favorite superhero of all time, followed by Spider-Man.
 If you want to have a little Starforce Team go ahead and get two of these. Hasbro needs to release the other three members and even Ronan the Accuser in his Kree Colors. I can't wait to see more Captain Marvel in the MCU and I'll see you next time.

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