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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Rey's Speeder (Jakku) 3.75"

The Force Awakens came out a while ago at this point and I enjoyed it. I liked the design and the story and also Daisy Ridley is incredibly cute so of course I'm gonna watch the third installment of the sequel trilogy. If you haven't watched it yet, the Star Wars Always video that came out a couple days ago is amazing so go check that out. As for Rey's Speeder, I have reviewed the Black Series 03 6" vehicle I think back in December or November so go check it out if you're interested. This is almost like that minus the stand and some other details. This cost me about $7 which was a steal. I actually wanted to buy this for my Vintage Collection Rey which I'll review very soon *wink wink* not that there haven't been any before ever but this time I get to take pictures! Let's get to the review.

 The box is amazing, it has really nice artwork of Rey in her Speeder driving away from an explosion on Jakku. Of course this never happens in the movie and the box says it as well. You also get a preview of the gimmick on the front.
 The back has more pictures of the product as well as a little bio of her and her speeder.

"For quick transportation across the junk-strewn dunes
 of Jakku, Rey relies on her old salvaged speeder."

 It also shows other products. I have the BB-8, Unkar's Thug, and Desert Scavenger 3-pack which I'll review soon-ish.
 Out of the box, you get 1 Speeder, 1 staff, 1 Rey in her scavenger outfit, and 1 dart for the gimmick or action feature.
 The speeder itself looks great, it has a lot of really nice paint throughout, and it has a scratched appearance. The silver bits don't really come across as the metal frame, they look like smudges.
 It has the dent on the front but not much else, it looks to be in good condition. The grill isn't bent and the windshield isn't cracked like the Black Series version which is fine. The net on the left side comes off but the garbage doesn't it's sculpted on. There's also a button that sticks out, it's an eyesore and not well hidden.
 The rudders on the back are articulated for some reason, the silver paint here looks a lot better.
 You get one dart, to put it in you have to push the button on the left side and the "hood" pops up to reveal a blaster. This of course isn't accurate to the movie and is a toy thing only. Make sure to pop it out all the way otherwise it doesn't shoot. The detail of the blaster is really good, there's even some silver paint on the back.
 It does shoot pretty far, it's a lot of fun to play with actually. I was surprised as to how much fun I had with them. It's pretty accurate too, I shot down some Vintage Collection First Order Stormtroopers with this.
 Shoot down whatever you want with this, get a couple of Unkar's thugs or ever Unkar himself.
 As for Rey, she's okay, the detail on the robes below her waist is pretty weird, not a fan. The head sculpt is good and has decent pain applications. The skin tone looks a little odd and it's poorly painted on the legs.
 The hands are gloved and the head can pop off but it's hard to take off so I haven't tried. The shoulder pad on the left side is part of the robe but not the backpack for some reason. She also doesn't come with a backpack unlike the Black Series Rey.
 The big downside to this figure is the 5 points of articulation which is the standard throughout the basic 3.75" line. The head is so restricted that it doesn't really count so it has 4 points of articulation.
 The staff is made out of a soft plastic with the only paint application being the white wrappings on the center of it. It get's warped very easily and it's pretty annoying.
She can't really carry it on her shoulder but it's fine. Thankfully it can clip on the speeder.
 It clips on well and it's a good place to store if she isn't holding it.
 The detail on the seat is good, the handles are different but adequate for her since she doesn't have wrist articulation. The dashboard isn't painted and the pedals have pegs that actually fit the figure. There's some dents on the side of the seat to accommodate for Rey's lack of knee articulation.
 She pegs in pretty well but she just looks so awkward. I think the whole thing looks better displayed with Rey on the Speeder though.
The Speeder is roughly 8" long and the box that it came in was surprisingly bigger than I thought it would be. It's a lot more fun than I expected it to be. It doesn't really sit the Vintage Collection/Black Series Rey well but it's a nice piece to display.
 Rey falls a little short from the 3.75", she's closer to 3.5" which is not a problem. I'm glad I bought this set, although since I'm buying these in the aftermarket I'm glad I'm paying below their original pricing. Although that's spoiling me because it makes it harder to justify that full price for the current figures. If you can find her, you should get her. Make sure to look on Ebay and even the Wal-Mart website she's about $15 which is a very good price.

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