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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Review: Captain Marvel (2019) - Marvel Legends (Young) Nick Fury & Talos (Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure)

Captain Marvel's been out for over a week and I still want to watch it again. Both of these characters are a big part of what made Captain Marvel great besides Brie Larson who will get her own review soon. She's my favorite, I love her very much. Anyways, let's get into the review.


Talos was the 3rd figure I got from a Target run and I wasn't really planning on getting him but I figured he'd be rare... I was wrong and I also thought he looked a lot like the dark elves from Thor: The Dark World but also I was very wrong. 
 The side has a picture of Talos, this is concept art of course because Talos definitely does not look like that. He's played by Ben Mendelsohn who is also my favorite. He was a very interesting character. If you look up pictures online, the chin is a lot more bumpy and the eyes look more anime.
The back shows more concept art and the BAF which is an actual figure instead of concept art.

"Talos, perhaps the most cunning spy in all of the Skrull Empire, is a master of shapeshifting and intergalactic espionage. An integral leader in the bitter Kree-Skrull War, the fearsome Talos will do whatever it takes to protect his own."

I didn't read the bio until today and now I realize how accurate to the movie it is. I did read that he wasn't able to shapeshift in the comics due to a birth defect but in the movie he shapeshifts all the time.
 Since Hasbro receives concept art from Marvel Studios the figures can only be as accurate as the concept art. The jacket itself is not the same as the final product but it's pretty close. It has shades of purple here and there and it's made out of a soft rubber material that restricts its articulation.
 The thing that's really strange on this figure is how skinny the arms are. The hands are huge! One hand has fingerless gloves though.
 The head isn't accurate, it looks more comic booky than the actual practical make-up Ben Mendelsohn had to wear for the film. It's hard to see the eyes on this figure, he doesn't really look at that menacing.
 The jacket can be annoying especially the collar around the neck since it warps depending on where you position the head.
The ab crunch is very limited when he has the coat. The waist articulation is still good to go but dynamic poses will be difficult.
 Personally I think I need a couple more Talos to use as Skrull soldiers or just henchmen to army build. Since he has a small and thin frame I'm scared to move his arms because I'm afraid he'll break but I haven't had a problem. The shoulders can be a little tight though so please be careful.
 Taking off the coat is pretty difficult I think, I tried a couple times, trying to get it past the left arm is pretty hard. I don't want to damage it but I had to since it is possible.
 Underneath you see a bodysuit and it's very detailed. It doesn't really look like anything that I've seen online. There are different variations to the suit and coat that the Skrulls wear. I still want at least one or two extra ones to have around.

 Nick Fury

 Nick Fury was one of the figures I had trouble finding or at least finding a good version of this figure. Most figures had poor paint on the neck and after looking at other people's Nick Fury it seems to be a common issue so I got mine during the 25% off all action figures at GameStop at the beginning of the month.
 You get some artwork of 90s Samuel L. Jackson without it looking strange like it did at some points of the movie.
The movie takes place in the 90s and I guess Nick Fury had been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for a couple years at this point. Meeting Captain Marvel and fighting the Skrulls was probably the craziest thing he'd done at this point.

"In the years following the Cold War, Nick Fury wrestles with his sense of purpose within S.H.I.E.L.D. When Nick crosses paths with Captain Marvel, they become Earth's only hope of stopping a Skrull Invasion."
This is my first Nick Fury figure and I'm pleased, it has a standard suited body which is new from what I know. It's a different sculpt from Agent Ross and the Tony Stark figure uses. 
It looks pretty cool, but there's not much to talk about. I am disappointed in the paint on the neck and head. The paint is pretty glossy and the paint on the neck is sloppy and unfinished.
 It does kind of look like him but not really? I can tell it's him but it just doesn't look all that perfect. The hairline also looks a little odd.
He also has some sort of harness underneath the jacket which didn't need to be there but it is. It's also poorly painted.
 He does come with two accessories, the pistol is the same one that comes with Ross and Klaue.
 He can hold it well with both hands but the trigger finger doesn't really reach or fit to get to the trigger.
 He also comes with Goose the Cat or whatever he is. He's chained and he also has the muzzle to keep him from eating things he's not supposed to. He has slots for Nick to hold him with his right hand. He doesn't come with the red collar he has in the movie which is a minor detail to miss.
 He goes great with whatever Captain Marvel figure you own, they're all the same honestly. Make him tell Vers how she's dressed for Laser Tag. I wish he came with the glasses he wore in the movie. I'm also surprised that Coulson wasn't in the wave or even the transformed Talos which would have been a better pick that Genis-Vell or The Grey Gargoyle.
Sadly the head on Krennic doesn't fit on the suited Marvel Legends bodies but if you have extras laying around maybe you can make your own Director Krennic, I mean Keller.
After seeing the movie I like Nick Fury a lot more than I did before. He's very different from what Avengers Nick Fury is like. It's hard to explain.
The articulation on Nick Fury is not limited due to the sculpt. The most limited part could be the ankles, his dorsiflexion isn't very good, needs more calf stretches. 
Anyways, the price point for these figures are about $18-$23 dollars depending where you get them. If you find them at Walgreens (if you're that lucky) you'll pay about 14.99 with a card but that deal is only until the end of March. Wal-Mart is the cheapest of the bunch at about $18, $19 at Target and $22.99 at GameStop. I did see Talos on clearance at some stores like FYE and the figures from this wave are dropping in price.
 Finding Binary isn't easy though, that's next on the list. I'll also be on the hunt for more Talos to army build a mini Skrull squadron. 
 If you see them, get'em they're totally worth it. Is the BAF worth it? Will I watch Captain Marvel again? We'll see! Next time on the next review next week!

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