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Friday, June 7, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame - Marvel Legends Walmart Exclusive Captain America Power and Glory (Spoilers)

Avengers: Endgame has been in theaters for over a month now, the second wave of basic figures have been released. The second Marvel Legends Endgame wave has found its way to certain parts of the United States, unfortunately for me I haven't been able to find any near me. This figure was released about 2 weeks ago and I had searched far and wide. I didn't find it until I went to watch Godzilla: King of the Monsters on Sunday and I was very lucky, I almost didn't go to Wal-Mart. Now if I could only get my hands on Binary Captain Marvel... Anyways let get to it!

The front is very basic, you get the Avengers Logo with Captain America in the front. As you can see not much is included and the box looks kind of empty, there's a lot of air in that box.
The back display a nice picture of Captain Rogers in his new attire. It's a nice shot of Chris Evans, I'm pretty sure it's just concept art that they used for this shot.
The side shows another piece of concept art, I'm surprised he doesn't have his helmet on for either of the two pictures that they used.
You can see Mjolnir behind the shield, it's pretty well hidden to avoid spoilers I guess.
Right out of the box you can see one figure, one head and a shield.
And in the back you can clearly see Mjolnir behind Captain America's mighty shield.
The Captain America body is new from what I can tell and I love it. It's much better than the outdated Civil War body. I love the texturing on the chest piece and the shoulder pads. It's a very classic look to a very classic character. I like the dark blue plastic that they used for the figure. Aesthetically, looking from pictures it looks a lot better than the Figuarts but I would like to get that one at some point as well.
I really like the Avengers logo on the left shoulder pad. They are completely different pieces and they're soft so they won't get in the way too much. The straps and buckles are painted nicely. There's shading here and there. The detailing is very similar to the Civil War but it's just done differently. The detailing on the legs is also different, he looks a little wide in the chest but aside from that he looks great!
The head looks nicer than the Civil War one from The First Ten Years. The wings and straps are different as well, I thought there would be a lot of reuse between these two figures. I'm glad to see that they've improved since then and that this is a completely new figure. The helmet piece is also attached much better on this one for me.
The shield is kind of like the Civil War 3-pack with Spider-Man and Battle Damaged Iron Man Mark 46, there are some paint scuffs and black spots which are done really well. I would have liked a broken shield but I'm not complaining.
It fits in the left arm really well, the shield is pretty much identical to most MCU shields that have come out.
He doesn't really have the range of motion to reach for the straps with the other hand like in the movie. He comes with one fist and a grabby hand for Mjolnir!
Mjolnir uses a previous mold, the strap is hanging down and can wrap around his wrist if needed.
There is a little bit of a rough patch on one of the corners that I didn't notice at first glance but it doesn't bother me all that much.
The Steve Rogers head is also updated, the hair specifically is very different and matches the style that he had in the movie. The face also looks much more Chris Evans like. 
It looks good but I can't really think of many scenes that had him like this, it is a nice accessory and can be useful for other things such as...
The Avengers 2012 body! Although the ball joint is too big and the neck is too long but it does fit if you force it.
Thankfully I was able to fit it into the Team Suit which does look good in my opinion, maybe the neck is a little short but I like it.
With that, that's pretty much what he comes with in terms of accessories, he doesn't come with lightning effects which would have been neat but you can use one's from other Marvel Legends figures.
Mjolnir's strap is also thick enough that he can hold it from there as if he was swinging it.

As far as articulation goes, you have a ball and hinge jointed head which allows for great range of movement.
The elbows and knees are double jointed for maximum range.
Shoulders and hips are hinge and swivel which allows them to go in and out forward and back pretty far. There's a cut on the bicep and thigh for a swivel.
The wrists are hinge and swivel. The right hand has gunslinger action which works for wielding Mjolnir.
The ankles go forward and back, and have a forward facing pin for rocker ankles.
He is also in scale with Endgame Thanos Build-a-Figure. I didn't realize how tall Thanos actually was.
I've always had him next to the Black Order, it's unfortunate that he doesn't have an accurate double bladed sword but it works.
There's still two more Endgame waves to go, the Smart Hulk BAF and an unannounced wave.
I'm looking forward to seeing more figures based on Endgame, it's such a great movie. There's still many characters to go as well, especially with their new looks.
It's a tad shorter than the 2012 figure and the Civil War First Ten Years figure.
It's almost the same height as the Infinity War Cap and the Team Suit Cap which I have grown to love a lot which is surprising because I wasn't a fan of the Team Suit when I first saw it.
You can also see how much they have improved with the headsculpt within a couple months.
Either way, I'm really happy with this figure, it's amazing. Especially with the $20 price, which is technically $18.95 at Wal-Mart, they're slowly working their way up so good luck getting one. They don't seem to hard to get but there will be many people trying to get more than one. Best of luck hunting.

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