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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Review: Aquaman (2018) - DC Multiverse Gladiator Battle (Aquaman & Orm)

So, Aquaman, a movie my dad wanted to watch in Theaters but we didn't get a chance to unfortunately. Eventually the movie made it onto DVD and we wanted to watch it either on Pay Per View or Vudu but neither of them had them in spanish so I suggested that I go to Wal-Mart and buy it (of course with my ulterior motives) so I did and then we watched it. I wanted to watch Wonder Woman and Justice League before then but eh. Aquaman was surprisingly good but certain things about it just rubbed me the wrong way. The long takes were strange and the overall lightning of the movie a little too bright. The use of CGI wasn't always perfect but it's tough when your movie is about people who can talk and breathe underwater. The hair always looked strange and the way the capes flowed was strange. The underwater battle sequences with the different Kingdoms looked outdated and pretty bad at certain points but overall, a good movie. I would watch it again, I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it or not. I probably would.

For this set I waited until it hit clearance and I bought for about $19.99 compared to the $39.99. I'm glad I waited because this set is not worth full price. The box is the standard multiverse box.
The sides you get pictures of Orm in his full attire not his gladiator gear. Aquaman or Arthur has a shot of him in his gladiator gear.
You also get some context for the set, it's when the two fight to see who is worthy of the throne.
Orm's armour is pretty cool, there is a very marine aesthetic to his armor. I like the pauldrons and the way the left arm has the armor.
The under armor has good texturing and color variation with some white and black spots what go well with the rest of the armor. Thankfully the armor is made out of a soft rubbery material that doesn't hinder articulation.
The head is the weakest point in this figure, it looks nothing like Patrick Wilson, it's a shame. The way his face was painted makes him look like a generic soldier rather than the brother of Aquaman, Ocean Master Orm, King of Atlantis.
His only accessory is his father's trident which has a purple gradient at the prongs. It's a little short and he can only hold it on his right grabby hand so he can't double handed wield.
Aquaman looks a little goofy, because of his armor that's how far down his arms go. I do like the bronze look of the armor and I wish the helmet was removable.
This compared to Orm is the better figure, you can see the detail underneath the armor and all of his tattoos. The chest piece is loose fitting but it doesn't seem removable unless you take his arms and head off.
The helmet looks cool, it uses the same face but a different hair piece so that the helmet fits. It's glued on so you won't be able to take it off. He has a pretty good resemblance to Jason Momoa which is surprising since, at least to me, bearded faces rarely resemble the people they're based on.
You also get one accessory which is his mother's, Altanna, spear. Unlike orm, this is just a piece of plastic but it looks good. He only has one grabby hand so no dual handed wielding for Arthur.
Together they look great, but they're not much better than the basic figures, specifically the Hydro-Tek figures which have removable armor that changes colors with water! The articulation is also not much better which is why I wasn't sure if they were the "collectors" line or the "basic" line.
They both have dumbell ball jointed heads which Multiverse figures never get full range and are usually very loose.
The shoulders and hips are on a hinge and swivel. Single jointed elbows, I don't know why a collector figure doesn't have double jointed elbows.
Double jointed knees, and ankle hinge and no swivel. Waist swivel and ab crunch. Despite all of the articulation the left fist is the thing that kills it.
For the most part, this set is alright, like I said before, it's not worth $40. They don't look much better than basic figures and that's to be said with most of the figures in the Aquaman (2018) Multiverse line. The plastic that they used is the same as the Shazam Figures and it feels cheap. They actually feel like bootlegged figures feel and it's always bothered me.
If you want this set, you can look on Amazon, a lot of the DC stuff is pretty cheap there. If you go to Target and are lucky enough to find this it should be $20 or less. It's about $15 on Amazon and it's a pretty good price if you ask me. As far as the DCEU, I'm not impressed, I still need to watch Justice League (2017) and Wonder Woman (2017). Shazam! was a nice surprise and I'm excited for the sequel. Hopefully other DC movies learn from Shazam! Happy Hunting!

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