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Friday, June 21, 2019

Review: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Bandai Legacy Collection Metallic Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink Rangers

Last month I reviewed the Legacy Collection Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Build-a-Dino Megazord. And you saw that instead of their individual weapons they came with pieces to build the Dino Megazord. Well, they re-released the figures but not quite the same, if anything they improved them by giving them the "Metallic" treatment. They're not metallic by any means, they're actually just translucent but it works, it gives it an extra sheen which is neat. The additional accessory is their individual Power Weapons and they fix a couple things from the previous releases.

As you can see, you get the main 5 core Rangers, unfortunately no Green Ranger.
The Helmets are pretty much identical but in a translucent color minus the Pink Ranger for some reason. She's the only one whose helmet is identical to the first release.
And of course you get the Blade Blaster in the holster mode but in a translucent color. You don't get any other modes unfortunately.
The Rangers are all done in a translucent plastic in their respective colors.
You also see that they're the same with not much changing.
Black Ranger looks better with the translucent plastic.
The coloring of the belt is fixed and the bolts are painted on the belt.
Blue has a cool sheen to the plastic, it's awesome.
Belt is corrected and the bolts are painted.
More translucent plastic for the girls a well.
The belt has added lightning bolts to the buckler.
Pink has a translucent everything minus the helmet, even the skirt piece is translucent!
The pink color of the helmet looks a little lighter but it isn't translucent. She does make up for it with the amount of accessories she has which is surprising, we'll get to that though.

Power Sword

The Power Sword which is an iconic weapon that the first release should have had but it's here now so it's all okay. This was released before as an SDCC exclusive, that version came with the Megazord's Power Sword, unfortunately this one does not.
The detail is fantastic with the Power Coin showing on the guard, it has the grooves on the blade sculpted in. The handle has the diamond pattern but isn't painted black with the gold lines. It's also made out of translucent plastic with a metallic silver blade. Thankfully with the amount of articulation on the shoulders he can wield with two hands and you get a pretty good range not just holding the sword in front. He can block, cut, thrust, chop, hack, etc. The plastic is soft so it's easy for the blade in particular to get warped.

Power Axe

The Power Axe is another cool weapon, unfortunately the piece on the handle doesn't slide so it's stuck as an axe, it doesn't mean he can't use it as a blaster, it just doesn't look right.
The detail and paint is probably my favorite. Unfortunately it's made out of soft plastic so the handle doesn't hold it's shape very well, especially since the "axe blade" is pretty heavy. The Mastodon coin is visible with the most detail since it's the biggest in all of the Power Weapons.
It does have a trigger sculpted in but the hands don't have trigger fingers so it's pretty much useless.

Power Lance

Power Lance! It's really cool but it doesn't disconnect at the middle and even if it did it's way too long, it would have benefitted from having it disconnect and/or having two seperate little ones.
all the detail is there even having the handles for both sides in the middle and the Tricera coins on all sides of the lance tip. This weapon is the most susceptible to warping since the whole thing is made of very soft plastic, just by holding it gravity will pull it down.

Power Daggers

Another one of my favorite weapons, the Power Daggers are nicely sculpted and pretty thick for their size. The Sabertooth Coin is sculpted in and it's nicely done for it's size.
The fit can be a little too loose for my liking and if your figure has loose joints they'll bring the arms down. They're pretty hefty even for their small size.

Power Bow

The Power Bow, it is nicely done and has different detailing on both ends which is accurate, although it doesn't show the logo for Power Rangers or Zyuranger on the side. It does have the Ptera coin but it's so small and on the handle you can barely see it. It's the only one that isn't painted gold for some reason.
It wouldn't be much of a bow if it didn't come with an arrow. *ahem* Hawkeye *ahem* she does come with an alternate right hand that holds the arrow really well. The arrow is made out of soft plastic but I'm surprised it doesn't warp as much as most of the other weapons.
Thankfully she can hold dynamic poses but it can be hard to align correctly so that it doesn't look strange.
Honestly, I didn't notice but some of the weapons have a theme that matches their animal. Daggers that represent the fangs, a three tipped lance that match the horns, the bow that looks like Pterosaur wings, and I guess the end of the barrel is supposed to resemble the trunk and maybe the sword is the tail? I don't know, maybe the last two are a stretch.
Since they were re-released they have been shelf warming which is a shame especially with how cool these figures are. I guess with the Lightning Collection out people are passing them but they're just as cool and even have their own charm. I would recommend this particular set even if you only wanted one or two because they don't come with a Megazord piece so if you want one you're not stuck with an extra piece you don't need. Right now I believe they're very plentiful at GameStop, I'm not sure if Wal-Mart or Amazon still have them in stock online but it's worth checking if you don't want to pay $22.99, yikes! Anyway, best of luck with finding this set.

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