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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Power Rangers Dino Thunder - Hasbro Lightning Collection Fighting Spirit Green Ranger and Putty 2-Pack

Something else that has been out for a while now is the 2-pack with the Putty and the Green Ranger which was a nice surprise. A lot of people were slightly upset that the Putty was in this set because he is an army building figure. As for the Green Ranger, it's not your typical Green Ranger since this is from an episode of Power Rangers Dino Thunder called "Fighting Spirit" where Tommy has to fight his previous forms: Zeo Ranger 1, the White Ranger, and the Green Ranger but with a white holster (on the wrong side) and a silver streak on the helmet. But enough about that, I got this set as soon as someone spotted it at GameStop, I went to a couple and one in a mall near my house said that they'd be receiving one soon so I gave my number and they called me. I also ordered one online just in case I didn't get one and in the even that I'd have an extra Putty and Green Ranger. 

The box looks pretty nice, I don't think the Green and Grey go well together though. I do like that artwork that is used on the sides of the helmet. 
If you look at the right corner you can see the full helmet and the MMPR logo up on the top.
You see the full mask of the Putty with the same logo up on the top.
The back has prototypes of the figures which look incredible, they do have a shiny sheen to them. I feel like having such as big box is a waste of space, the box would be half the size and all of the accessories could be on a separate tray behind. Just my two cents.


The putty looks great, it's basically a guy in a spandex suit with a pattern on the chest and not much else. The boots are regular sentai boots, the belt is new and different. The suit has sculpted wrinkles, seams, and zippers which is a nice touch. The hands are new and very different, they actually attach through the forearm which I just noticed, there's no wrist articulation but you don't really need it.
The mask looks as it should, there's the stone-like detailing along the "rubber" part of the mask. It's the same color as the rest of the body, a lot of people give it a slightly darker wash which makes it look more accurate. The eyes are red and the mouth is black. I do think it would have benefitted from a wash since it would highlight the detailing. The body should be a little glossier and the face a little darker but it looks good as it is.
He comes with a pair of hands, one that can hold things and an open "evil" gesturing hand for all your Putty or disposable lackey needs.
He does come with swappable parts, one being the "hammer" which has the hand sculpted on which makes it look as if his hand turned into this thing.
Another one is the "sword" which, much like the other one, has the hands and fingers sculpted into the piece. They pop out pretty easily and they are interchangeable but they're meant to be on specific sides.
You can have him wield both and there's also an effect piece that can be used as a finisher, charger, or spark effect.
I'm glad they included this figure so early in the line especially since Lord Zedd and Goldar are out. It's also no fun when the heroes have no one to fight against. 

Green Ranger (Fighting Spirit)

This version of the Green Ranger appeared in "Fighting Spirit" in Power Rangers Dino Thunder where Tommy had to fight three other versions of himself and then earn the power of the Black Dino Ranger. It's accurate to that appearance but not much else, the helmet doesn't appear much until Power Rangers Super Megaforce, the white holster on the wrong side never appears again. This isn't the first figure to use that appearance as a reference, the Fighting Spirit Legacy Collection Con Exclusive box set had a Green Ranger like this as well. 
It uses the same body as the SDCC Armored Red Ranger but in green, the boots and gloves have additional gold trim, the diamond pattern is different. The shield and arm bands (sculpted on) are identical. The lower torso (the waist) is new because it has the Dragon Coin and the Dragon Dagger attached. The holster is white which is accurate to that appearance. The morpher isn't painted gold unfortunately. The white diamonds are painted underneath which is a nice touch. 
The helmet looks great, I love it, it's pretty accurate in shape but not in color... The teeth are nicely done, there's a clear white border and gold teeth distinction. The gem and eyes are painted well and this one has the gold strips along the helmet which are semi accurate, the ones on the eyebrows don't go all the way but it's a minor nitpick. I wish it was the regular Green Ranger, that would have been perfect but it is what it is.
You do get a fair amount of accessories, you get a left fist and a right holding hand which is used to hold the Sword of Darkness. It fits in pretty well. The sword itself looks to be a little small but it's nicely painted and detailed. It's not soft so be careful when handling it, especially when trying to get him to hold it because it's a little tough at first.
There's a translucent green lighting effect which just adds to the dynamic poses. He never used this in that episode but it is what it is.
The hand does get a little loose so if you have him holding it position right, otherwise the sword will just droop, it doesn't hold it's position very well.
You get the famous Dragon Dagger, it's nicely done, detail and paint is where it needs to be. There's a flute playing hand which is included but doesn't hold very well. Due to the lack of side to side movement on the wrist, getting him to play the flute is no easy task, it's not impossible.
You also get a choppy hand which adds to poses, I wish he came with another grabby hand instead of that fist so he could wield both swords at once. He never did it in the episode but it would have been neat. With the fist he can do the roll call, at least part of it.
You do get a civilian head which is almost identical to the White Rangers, wish he came with more Dino Thunder look.
Comparing both heads, I think this one looks a lot nicer. The head is a little more narrow and the shading looks better. It's still a little small though but a slight improvement. 
Articulation for both figures is standard. Hinge and swivel shoulders. Butterfly joints on the shoulders.
There's the ball jointed diaphragm joint, the ab crunch. The ball jointed hips, bicep and thigh swivel, double jointed knees and elbows.
Pin on the ankle as well as a hinge. Boot swivel which is always nice. Wrist swivel at the wrist and all are on a hinge for forward and back movement. The putty has a swivel on the cuffs, the Green Ranger does too but it won't budge for me, I've seen people switch boots and gloves on their Green Rangers.
The head is on a ball joint and hinge which works nicely, no issues there. The Green Ranger does have a slight limitation on the shoulders due to the shield but it's soft enough that it doesn't restrict too much.
The Putty is great, the arms are wonky and don't really look natural in a standing position, once it's in a pose it looks fine.
As for the Green Ranger... I don't know. He's all over the place with the looks and accessories. People complained about the lack of left flute hand but if you look in the episode he uses his palm when he plays the flute. I would have much rather had the regular Green Ranger look with the black holster and no silver on the helmet. I have no idea what led them to this but I'll accept it for now. 
Since it's part of the two pack, it's pricey, about $39.99 which is about $20 per figure. It looks great and makes good use of the body. I just wish it wasn't this episode specific. The only place I've seen it sold physically is GameStop. He's online all over, including HasbroPulse, so if you don't want to look and hunt for it you can shop online. He isn't very hard to find so if you want to army build you'll have a lot of Tommys. Happy hunting!

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