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Monday, October 28, 2019

Review: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Hasbro Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger

Oh the Pink Ranger, it took so long for me to find this one, I searched all over a small portion of New Jersey for about a month, it was pretty easy to find the rest of the wave. I found the Magna Defender, Beast Morphers Red and Gold Rangers within a week. My Wal-Mart pre-order kept getting pushed back so I took matters into my own hands and spent about 3 hours going through different Walgreens, it wasn't until I went to a Walgreens in Route 206 that I found one. The face on Kimberly was pretty good but the visor was alright. It's been a long time coming, especially since I found this figure at the beginning of September.

This is the first of the Zyuranger suit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the SDCC Red Ranger doesn't count since that was a powered up version of the Red Ranger and the Green Ranger wasn't the basic Green Ranger, it was the one from Power Rangers: Dino Thunder from the episode Fighting Spirit. The Red Ranger was revealed for Wave 3 and it should be coming around soon, the Yellow Ranger is rumored to be on the 4th Wave. I do like the pink color of the box. Most items are seen from the widow.
The side has a nice shot of the helmet and the logo.
The opposite side has another picture from the same angle just cropped differently.
The back has no bio and it was a render of the figure which looks better since the legs aren't warped.
You see the classic Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers logo in all it's glory.

Pink Ranger

This is the first female figure in the line and it's pretty good. It's certainly smaller and doesn't have crazy proportions like the Lightning Collection figures by Bandai of America. The arms are very think, the legs are thin but mine was a wonky stance since the legs are warped. I'm not a fan of how the shoulders stick out but she does have a butterfly joint so I'll let it go. The skirt piece is a separate piece and it's accurately sculpted with the belt which does have the Ptera coin. It also has slits on the sides that allows for more range with the skirt. The diamonds are nicely painted but the one on the right boot is a little off on the back but it's okay. I didn't notice until now, which is about 2 months later. 
The helmet is amazing, it's nice and round and it looks as if it will fit a head inside it. It's a nice bright pink color which is a nice change since most Pink Rangers are darker in tone in their figure forms.
You do get 2 sets of hands but not matching ones so I guess it's a total of 4 hands. You get one left fist and a right palm.
They work for dynamic poses but I would have liked two of each of these for the signature pose and a more vanilla, relaxed pose.
You get a claw like hand which is actually for holding the bow.
You also get another open hand which fits the Blade Blaster in gun mode pretty well. It is slightly awkward but it does have side to side movement. The Blaster itself is identical to the one that came with the Armored Red Ranger but the paint apps aren't white, they're silver this time around which is inaccurate. I'd rather she came with the holstered one.
The Power Bow is also identical with the tabs on one side and the red paint apps on the other.
You get an arrow which fits nicely between the middle and ring finger for the right open hand. It's a nice accessory and it adds to the figure. You can do her signature pose for the roll call when she has the Power Bow.
You also get an effect piece which is a powered up arrow. It can fit in between the fingers of both hands and is sturdy enough to support itself like in the picture on the bottom.

It does add a lot to this figure and I love it. I'm glad they included this and the regular arrow.
There is a civilian head included which does have the slightest resemblance to Amy Jo Johnson. Thankfully this one came out pretty nicely and the hair looks good.

I do think the smile is a little out of place but if you have other figures with smiles it looks fine.
Articulation on this figure is pretty good, the head is on ball joint and a hinge.
The shoulders are on a hinge and swivel as well as butterfly joints.
Still a single elbow joint but it does go over 90 degrees. The wrists are on a hinge, there's a swivel on the pin.
There's a diaphragm ball joint and an ab crunch for extra range, the skirt doesn't really get in the way.
The legs are on ball joints and they get good range forward and to the side because the skirt is very soft and rubbery, it doesn't get in the way.
The knees are double jointed, there's a swivel on the boot.
The ankle goes forward and back and rocker at the pin.
I love this figure and I wish more Marvel Legends had this same range of articulation for the female figures. When the feet aren't so close to each other you can barely notice the wonky legs and she looks amazing. 
This makes it hard to wait to have full teams of Rangers. With the Red and Yellow coming out soon and Black and Blue not so far behind (probably), the Hasbro line is living up to expectations.
She fits in scale with the male figures and especially with the Red Ranger.
The smiling heads look good with each other, like in a lot of promotional material from the early 90s.
2 out of 5 core Rangers done. I am a little disappointed the bow came with the clips, but I understand why they did it. I honestly thought the one with the Red Ranger wouldn't come apart, one I knew it did I thought the weapons that would come with the other rangers wouldn't have the ports but I was wrong.
If you have the putties you can get some cool action shots, the arrow effect is very handy.
Thankfully they have the villains from the season, the female body is also promising and if they fix the wonky shoulders I won't have a lot of complaints.
You can have her next to the White Ranger, they look good together, the neck on the Pink Ranger is a little thicker. Makes Tommy's head look a little too small.
She also looks good with the Green Ranger but the head still has the same problem.
I do wish for additional hands, but it's hard, especially with a figure for $20 and mass produced.
I wouldn't mind paying a couple extra bucks for more hands and a couple more accessories even if they weren't fully painted.
But as it is, it's pretty good and you can always kitbash with other figures from other lines.
A lot of people even started to 3-D print accessories so that's another option.
There's only one per case, I've seen maybe 2 in Wal-Marts and I had more luck finding her in Walgreens so if you're looking for her check there. She's also $22.99 at GameStop which is another place that's easier to find her at. $19.99 at most places and $18.95 at Wal-Mart so happy hunting! 

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