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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) - Hasbro Marvel Legends Stealth Suit Spider-Man aka Night Monkey // Build-a-Figure Molten Man

So, Spider-Man Far From Home is supposed to end Phase 3 and the Infinity War Saga, and I think it was a great addition and a great way to end 20+ movies. I went to watch it when it came out, unfortunately I had to run before I saw the mid & end credits. I did watch them online but I didn't miss as much as I thought although there were plenty of questions that were left unanswered. Today we look at the Spider-Man Stealth suit and Molten Man. We'll get to that in a little bit, I was a big fan of the "Noir" styled suit, I didn't expect to see that in the MCU any time soon. Initially I wasn't too impressed by Molten Man and he could have definitely been a whole lot bigger but I do like it.

Spider-Man a.k.a. Night Monkey

So the Stealth Suit was created to give Spider-Man a better way to hide in Europe. Since the people of Europe didn't recognize this masked hero they decided to call him "Night Monkey" which I adore.
I do like the artwork although we don't get direct renders or pictures of the MCU version. This might be a concept version of the suit.

"Peter Parker gears up in an upgraded suit to take on new challenges and new enemies."

Honestly I would consider this an upgrade, if anything it's a huge downgrade, he doesn't use a lot of the gadgets he had in Homecoming but I guess there was a storytelling reason but still. You can see he comes with two pairs of hands, a pair of heads and a left arm.
I love this suit, it has got to be one of my favorite versions of the suit in a while. Especially since the figure has a sleeker build which suits the character.
The costume is pretty awesome, it takes a lot of cues from the Spider Noir suit. There's exposed fingers on the hands and it has a very glossy sheen to the costume.
Some of the sculpt gets in the way of the articulation. The elbows are a good example so he can't straighten his arm out to a full 180 degree angle. I do like the mask, it looks like a burglar mask with goggles on top. They're painted a nice silver, the head is a little too tight on the ball joint though. Unfortunately, there's no trace of the Spider logo on his chest which is a shame since the basic figure has his sculpted on.
He comes with a pair of fists which have basic ML articulation.
The neck is a separate piece from the body which is a little strange, it makes it look like his neck is longer than it should be and since the ball joint is very tight I'm afraid it'll break or come off.
A pair of twipping hands which have three out of 5 fingers painted which is really disappointing it's kind of funny.
Unfortunately no grabby hands or wall crawling hands but for what it is it's pretty nice. He does come with an additional head.
The goggles are up on this one to expose the eyes. They're not perfect and not face printed due to the sculpt but it's not terrible. I wish it looked a bit more realistic though.
For what it is I do like it but I don't think I'll find myself displaying it this way.
He has basic ML articulation throughout, the butterfly joint isn't compromised which I like because it gives him that extra oomph for dynamic poses.
And for the BAF we have Molten Man! I'll review the other two MCU figures at a later date but I wasn't too sure about this at first but it grew on me... You'll see what I mean soon.
Once you have bought all of the figures in the line, you get two legs, two arms, a head and a very large torso piece that had to be packed disassembled.
Once you put him together you get your MCU molten man, according to a lot of people online he looks like a pile of hot poo. Which... I can see but not really, it's hard to make a monster made out of molten metal. In the film he gets bigger the more metal he gets. He also destroyed Mysterio's home world, Earth-833.
He isn't very symmetrical and I'm okay with that, it began to grow on me. One had is absurdly large and he can walk with it like a gorilla. The feet are also different but I prefer the left leg over the very human looking right one. He is made out of a translucent orange plastic covered in a glossy bronze paint. Some people put lights inside of him and it makes him look a thousand times better.
The face is very evil looking, it looks like a stylized skull and you can see his eyes which are painted yellow if you look closely enough. Due to the sculpt around the head he turns his head in a very odd fashion.
He looks incredibly imposing, the shoulders are on a hinge and swivel, same with the hips. The elbows and knees are singe hinged which is a shame, the wrists are on a hinge and swivel. The feet go forward and back and they have rocker ankles.
If you get the right angle he looks huge! But he isn't much taller than your average BAF. He is a little clunky but if you pose him right you can get some really cool action shots.
I do wish he was bigger, much much bigger like he was in the film. If he was twice as big as he is now he'd be perfect but for what he is it works. I wish he had alternate limbs but it's fine since he didn't in the movie.
His right arm is actually two separate pieces, I'm not sure why but I guess it would work as an accessory. It does slide into place fairly well.
I would like to watch this movie, as I'm finishing this it's already August and Spider-Man: Far From Home has been out for a little over a month. I can't wait to watch it again, Avengers: Endgame is also out of digital now, adding that to the shopping list.
For Night Monkey, the figure has a lot less texturing in the suit than the basic figure which is very disappointing. The fingers on the twipping hands are also all painted correctly on that one. The lack of the logo on the right chest is another thing that will haunt me forever.
He is in between the Homemade suit and the Stark suit but he looks much skinnier than both of those figures. 
He is taller than the Iron Spider from the Thanos BAF wave and he is shorter than the MCU Mysterio.
Molten Man towers over his basic figure counterpart. Most of the little details are there but I think the basic figure looks better in terms of the plastic and the way it was painted.
It the Molten Man isn't your cup of tea, I get it, it's not perfect but for me, personally, it's pretty cool to have displayed with your other figures.
If you haven't seen Far From Home I highly recommend you do, it's amazing and it's a good conclusion to 11 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's a lot of fun and it's a fantastic Spider-Man film, the visuals were creative and as for the figures, they're at Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, GameStop and the prices range from $18.95-$22.99, happy hunting!

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