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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Reviews: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Black Series 03 Rey's Speeder (Jakku) and Rey (Scavenger)

So, I am acquainted with Star Wars and I'm not super familiar with a lot of the characters but ever since I bought that one Rey and BB-8 figure from a Walgreens I have been hooked! Which sucks because I was already (trying) to collect Tokusatsu figures and now I've gotten hooked on Star Wars Black Series and Marvel Legends! As for this particular set, I had seen it on Amazon for about $23 and then in person for $25 at the closest Walmart and I passed on it a couple times, as tempting as it was but then I went again on (Black) Friday around 6 in the afternoon and I walked into Walmart again. I walked around to see if I could find something interesting or something I'd like and I went straight to the clearance section. The box was in terrible shape and the tape was torn so I was skeptical about buying it (which was the reason I didn't buy it the first time) but it was marked down to $10! So I decided to risk it and I almost bought the First 10 Years Cap vs. Cross Bones and Thor with Lady Sif but they were too expensive so I just got this. It was a lot of trouble for getting a $10 thing haha but I opened it in the parking lot and I love it! It was complete, nothing was missing and it was worth it for the price that I got it at. Some history about the character... well, I saw The Force Awakens a while ago but I don't remember much besides this being at the beginning of the movie, I watched a clip or two recently and a lot of reviews of this before buying it. Rey is the protagonist and... that's all I can say right now. I did think she was related to Luke Skywalkerm, although after a couple video essays and commentary videos, I think she's not related to any of the characters from previous movies. I would like to re-watch the movie at some point. 

Like I said before, the box was in terrible condition, and maybe you can see why I was skeptical about buying it, it does look nice but it's huge and it takes a lot of room, although I'm not sure how else they could have packaged this.
It's the third out of the figure and vehicle sets. The first one being the First Order Special Forces Tie Fighter which I really really want! And 02 being Luke's Landspeeder which looks aaight.

The back has really nice promotional pictures and some information on the Rey's Speeder (Jakku).

"For quick transportation across the junk-strawn dunes of Jakku, Rey relies on her old salvaged speeder."
And for Rey (Scavenger)

"Rey is a resillient survivor, a scavenger touguened by a lifetime of dealing with the cutthroats of the harsh desert world of Jakku."
It looks like it says a lot more but it's actually just the same thing but in other languages. 
The side has some cool artwork of Rey in her scavenger gear. 
And the top has a picture of her Speeder along with a couple blueprints which look neat.
Right out of the box, you don't have to do a lot of assembling, the junk and net come off but it just looks nicer with the junk in the net.

Rey's Speeder (Jakku)

Once it's complete, the left side has all of the detail, with some sand or muddy wear on the metal panels. The orange a little too bright for my liking though. The grill has some bent parts which I would not have noticed if I had just glanced. It's salvaged so that explains the dents and wear. The net itself is hard to put on the hooks, I think I just got a bad net since it looks nothing like it does on the promotional pictures which disappoints me a little.
The left side is pretty plain, it has some panels that you can see through and some ports on the side. The back has really nicely detailed thrusters. The seat looks great, that whole area is detailed perfectly.
I'm not sure why the panel comes off, but it does, it's supposed to go on the left side but...
It pegs on the right but not on the left... And after I look in the box... there is the other one that is supposed to go on the right side. Thankfully it was in the box otherwise I would have been upset and annoyed and probably would have bought another one because I'm dramatic. (I've done that before)
The base is detailed and does come off but I don't know why you would, it's barely noticeable and it takes the color on whatever it's on. It's on a ball joint so you can tilt it if you need to or want to.
The rudders? I guess? Are hinged so they are articulated and I guess it looks cool. I wouldn't have noticed or cared but I'm glad it does.
The handlers move up and down, but it's hard to get Rey's hand around them.
The pedals move too and they have pegs that are way too big for Rey's feet.
There's a panel on the right side that shows the interior of the Speeder and it's nicely detailed, it's just monochrome there's some rusty red color in there as well.
The hinge is loose on mine so it's hard to keep up but it looks cool in pictures like this.
There's a panel on the right side as well that goes straight down, it doesn't click anywhere it just hangs there and I'm okay with that.
More great detail on the engine and I'm very pleased with what I see.
The whole panel comes off to see more detail in the engine and the panel itself. It comes off easily and goes back on with no issues although I'm not sure when I'd display it like this but it's neat.
More great detail on the dashboard, small details that wouldn't normally be painted are.
The bolts and ribbons here as well as paint that makes it look dirty and used much like my car.
A dent in the front, again, much like my own car.

Rey (Scavenger)

 I have the 02 Rey and BB-8 (Jakku) which was my first Black Series figure and my very fist Star Wars thing that I bought for myself, I did have a couple Star Wars related things but I was never interested in collecting since I knew there would be a lot to collect and I was right... Anyway, the detail on the figure is great, the robe is made out of a cloth material that is falling apart and falls apart further every time you handle the figure.  The gloves look good and most of the figure has good paint applications.
 The pouch has painted details that the 02 Rey doesn't have. The belt that it's attached to comes off via a peg on the left side. I don't want to take it off though because I don't think that would end well.
 Rey's head is nicely detailed for what is her face, it does look like Daisy Riddley, even if it's just her mouth, I do wish the goggles were clear and were removable much like the Target Exclusive Chewbacca from this year. Her eyes don't seem to be painted under them and they're a separate piece. The little flashlight is there on the right side. The goggles are missing the little brown trim around them like in the movie. I think mine are slightly off center, leading to the left.
 There's a mouthpiece that's really just supposed to represent her covering her mouth with the cloak. It doesn't peg in very well and there are some gaps on the side. It does look good from afar.
 As far as accessories go, it comes with her staff which has a better strap the 02 Rey. It has paint on the strap and the wrapped cloth around the shaft.
 It's a struggle to have it hang on her shoulder, and in the promo pics she holds it differently.
That promo pic looks a lot better than what is the final product. No loose threads anywhere. 
 You can put it on the hooks on top of the junk in the net.
She also comes with a backpack that has painted details on the straps and water bottles.
It's easy to put on, just slide the strap through a little hole on the bottom of the backpack. The left strap has a little shoulder piece that drapes over the arm.
She can still carry the staff over the shoulder or if you put the strap around her neck and the backpack over but that's not very practical but it's possible!
She looks amazing, I'm beginning to really like this figure and it's very poseable. Rey has a hinge and ball joint for the head, not much up or down or even side to side. The arms go in and out as well as around. Elbows and wrist are hinge and swivel. The top half of the torso is on a ball joint but you don't get much from it. The hips go in and out, forward and back although it's not restricted because of the cloth skirt. The is a thigh swivel, and the knees are double jointed. The ankle goes forward and back, side to side in an awkward fashion. 
Getting her in the speeder is fairly easy, although it does take a couple tries to get her in a natural position. The cloth robes make this a lot easier. I can't imagine trying to do this with the other Rey.
 The shoulders don't let her arms go straight out so you have to have her elbows bent and out, If you want to have her face covered, get her hands on the handles before you put on the mouthpiece.
And as I said, the pegs on the pedals are way too big to fit on her feet so they just go off to the side.
The whole thing with the movable parts make this vehicle look great!
 It's large so I don't know where I'll fit it on the shelf since I only have so much space.
Here's a comparison with the previous 02 Rey, and the cloth robes make such a big difference.
She's also taller. I wish the goggles could come off, or at least go up! Ahhhh! It's a great addition to your Star Wars collection (and mine!). If you see it for a good price you should totally get it. The original price was $59.99 and I got it for $10.00 + tax and it was completely worth it for me. I don't think I would have bought it for the original price though, although very tempting, I don't think it's worth $60+ dollars. Do you know how many 6" Black Series figures I could buy?! About 3... unless they're on clearance! In that case, I bought about 6 of them. 

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