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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Review - Black Panther/Avengers: Infinity War - Marvel Legends Dora Milaje, Black Panther (Vibranium energy), and M'Baku BAF

 Time for last few figures in the M'Baku Build-a-Figure wave. Personally I prefer the movie figures over the comic versions so I was pleased when all of the figures in the line would be MCU figures. Finding the last batch wasn't that hard. It all started with the Dora Milaje, then Klaue and Killmonger, then the remaining three panthers (T'Chaka, T'Challa's Civil War suit and his vibranium energy suit) getting all of them to build M'Baku. Total, roughly $145 for the entire wave, unless you did the 25% off bag or got three Dora Milaje...

Black Panther Vibranium Energy

T'Challa's box comes with the Avengers Infinity War logo instead of Black Panther.
 On the side you get nice artwork of the suit with stored energy.
 "With the safety of Earth threatened by the powerful titan, Thanos, Black Panther joins forces with the Avengers to protect the world from certain destruction."
 The purple highlights are the stored energy before he distributes them in a force blast like attack. I gotta say, I'm really liking the repaint.
 Yes, it is a lazy repaint, another one, most of the line is composed of repaints and retools. Civil War T'Challa is a rerelease, T'Chaka is a retool of that figure. This is a repaint of the Black Panther released in the Okoye BAF wave last year. The Dora Milaje are repaints and retools of Nakia and Okoye. However, this lazy repaint I like since it brings out the detail on the suit and I love it!
 Especially with the helmet, you can see the designs and patterns throughout.
 It comes with claw accessories that have the purple on  the back of the hands.
 And two fists with no vibranium energy, you'd think they'd have some of the most stored energy.
The most exciting part is the T'Challa head which is a heck of a lot better than the one released last year. Still not as good as the Mafex one... I need that figure!
It also fits the body of the one that was released last year.
They're identical, my vibranium energy Black Panther has funky legs, they're slightly warped.
Here's the big difference between the two heads, neither of them look identical to Chadwick Boseman but the newer figure is much much closer from certain angles. It's also a good fit with the Killmonger from the two pack who is also supposed to be the vibranium energy version. Unlike that figure, this one has paint on the back of the body. 

Dora Milaje

 This one also has the Infinity War Logo
 I got three of them because of the heads although I slightly regret that since now I have three M'Baku legs, gimme me a heads up if you'd like to buy a leg? Or even some heads maybe? I got them at three different GameStops in the first month of January.
 "The Dora Milaje are an all-female special forces group prepared to defend the Black Panther and the people of Wakanda at all costs."
 You get really nice artwork of a cartoony Dora Milaje warrior, not based on a real person. Only one of the heads is based on an actress that I can recognize.
 The paint is different for Nakia's, it's a lot cleaner but the back isn't painted.
 The pauldron and the silver silver forearms are a "silver plastic" and don't look as nice as Nakia's.
 The accessories include an unpainted spear which is identical to Okoye's.
 A dagger that's unpainted and I still don't know what it's for or where,
 And the ring blades which are the only things that have paint, but green? for some reason?
 The head that comes on the figure has a battle ready face that works but looks weird in neutral positions. She has a tattoo on the side of her face.
 The second head is a neutral face that I don't recognize, she too has a tattoo on the side of her face.
 And the most recognizable of the Dora Milaje, Ayo! She looks a lot like Florence Kasumba which is neato!
 I slightly regret getting three of these, I have plenty of extra accessories but in the end it's worth it for me to have a small crew of Dora Milaje to go with my Okoye.
 They can hold the spears just fine but I think they're a little too long, and it's a shame that they're unpainted. I also don't know why they packed Nakia's Ring Blades and the unidentifiable blade with them, if anything I would have preferred more heads! What else would you have liked to see?
Gimme a hand trying to identify the other two warriors please.
Here's a warrior compared to Nakia and Okoye, you can see the paint differences in the uniform.
 I'm really in love with these figures, I wish they had more shoulder and wrist articulation so they can wield their spears a lot better.
As far as the logo on the box, the other figures had the Black Panther logo.
 But the Dora Milaje and T'Challa both had the Avengers logo, I think it's because of the battle in Wakanda but they didn't really have to change the logo for just two boxes.
 Now for the build a figure, it's M'Baku, he looks amazing and looked amazing in the prototype shots so of course I was excited. I loved him in the movie and I thought he was funny.
 In hand, he looks pretty plain. It's fairly easily to assemble, the legs might give you some trouble since the skirt piece is in the way.


 His posture is okay, he looks kinda funny from certain angles. The skirt pieces and the "cloth" bits look strange since they're made out of plastic. The cape is actually a separate piece.
 The skirt gets in the way of the leg articulation and I'm tempted to make a custom cape and skirt so he can have a little more range of motion.
 Wiston Duke's likeness is incredible, he looks very much like him and I'm glad he made it in figure form.
 He comes with one accessory which is the staff or cane, it's plan and smooth with no detail.
 Sucks that he can't strike dynamic poses, the pauldrons get in the way and the upper torso is a ball joint which gives him an awkward posture but it works in certain angles.
 We do get to experience the might of the Jabari tribe first hand with this figure, we need more Wakandan figures though, it's nice to have the leaders but I can't help but feel he's missing his guards and people as well. I think cloth goods would have been perfect for this figure since he's from a cold cold place, and the skirt would have been better that way and it wouldn't have gotten in the way of the leg articulation.
He's the tallest of all of the figures in the line, Okoye and Ross are 5'7" irl, T'Challa is 6' and M'Baku is 6'4" so this seems to be very accurate.
I'm glad to have completed the line to build M'Baku, now I just gotta finish the Captain Marvel and Kingpin waves... Hopefully, I'd like to get all of the Avengers before the End Game comes out in April. Expect to see the reviews for Captain Marvel next month wink wink. Still, these are mostly fresh so you should be able to find them online and at GameStops, although they're probably cheaper online.

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