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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Review: Fantastic Four - Marvel Legends Mr. Fantastic & The Thing (Super Skrull Wave)

The first wave of the year! Finally I have the Thing and Mr. Fantastic, although not in the form that I'd like but this will do! I've been waiting for this wave for a while now and since I really liked Captain Marvel and the Skrulls I've wanted a comic version of the Skrulls for my collection. I pre-ordered these as soon as possible and they were supposed to be released next month but these showed up early. If you don't follow me on instagram, go there @loveymush. Let's get to it!

Mr. Fantastic

First things first, Mr. Fantastic, the box looks cool and I like the light blue and black aesthetic.
You get the Fantastic Four logo and it looks amazing.
You get some artwork of Mr. Reed Richards on the side with his beard and moustache in all its glory.
The back of the box looks good but unfortunately Amazon didn't take good care of my box. The figure itself is amazing, it looks great, you get a nice shot of the figure in the back.
"Reed Richards is a brilliant scientist with the ability to stretch his body into any shape."
Mr., or Dr. Reed Richards looks great, he has his predominantly black jumpsuit with blue accents here and there. It uses the same body the Walgreens version did. There are some different parts here, the main one being the angular shaped shoes with cleats on the bottom which is a nice touch. The rest of the suit is nothing special. The torso does have a bit of wrinkle detail but that's about it. The logo is neatly printed onto the chest and it doesn't bother me since most Superhero suits are no more than spandex with a couple logos.
The head looks okay, it's not perfect. I don't think it matches the artwork used on the side of the box. The detail on the hair looks good and the paint good on the sides of the hair but not the beard. The eyes are a little wonky, the right eye looks to be a little too far but looks great in any angle that isn't from the front.
He comes with very few accessories, besides the right Skrull leg you get a pair of fists.
You also get those controversial stretchy fingers which admittedly... are pretty stupid.
I don't know who thought this would be a good idea but it really isn't. The fingers aren't even bendy so they're stuck in this stretched out position.
You have to get creative for them to look good and there are a couple things you could do with them.
The head is on a balljoint and there's a hinge on the base of the neck. Shoulders are on a pin for swivel and on a hinge for in and out motion. Double jointed elbows and knees. Bicep, thigh and waist swivel for good rotation.
The hips are on a balljoint, they go forward and back and there's a hinge for a very limited spread.
The waist has a hinge which doesn't do much going forward or back. Both hands have a swivel on the pin, there's are a hinge for forward and back motion.


The thing has the heaviest box! You see everything that you get and it keeps the same format.
The artwork looks amazing, I just wish he could pull of that pose.
The back has a shot of the thing which isn't the best but that's okay.
"Bombarded by cosmic rays, Ben Grimm develops thick, orange skin and superhuman strength."
The Thing is the best figure of this line hands down... so far! Let's see if he keeps that up when the others show up. The detail on this figure is amazing! There's no way this is a reused sculpt, unless it's identical to the Walgreens one. He has the spandex shorts and the belt which is a separate thing. I love the overall shape of him.
The head looks amazing, I love the brow ridge which sticks out, the frown looks good and it makes him look like a cartoon. There's a slight bright orange shade on the figure here and there but it doesn't show up well on camera.
Benjamin Grimm doesn't get a lot of accessories... or any.
You only get a pair of fists which look amazing. They have a total of four fingers each.
Besides that you get a pair of Skrull heads, a smiling one and more serious one.
I wish he came with open hands and the ability to hold his fists like he does in the boxart.
As for articulation, considering the design and sculpt, it's amazing!
You get a ball jointed head, a hinge on the neck. You get a pin which allows for a swivel on the shoulders as well as a hinge which allows for outward and inward movement.
A single hinge for the elbow and a swivel. It doesn't go past 90-degrees but it does work well.
The waist has a pretty good swivel. Hips are on a pin which allows forward and back, thigh swivel.
Double jointed knees which are amazing! The ankle articulation is perfect, it has a hinge and pin for rocker ankles. The best part about this figure is the diaphragm ball joint.
Seriously, it's the best part of this figure especially considering the design and bulk of the character.
I'm happy to have these two so far, although it would have been nice to have the set of four together.
These are showing up at Wal-Mart and Walgreens from what I've seen and they're priced regularly, they have gone up in price though. About $21 bucks everywhere although I think I pre-ordered them at $19.99 and they didn't go down during the time I pre-ordered them and when they were released. They'll be much more expensive everywhere. These figures are worth it and it's a pretty small wave so you shouldn't have a lot of trouble finishing this one. Happy Hunting!

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