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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Review: Power Rangers In Space - Bandai of America Legacy Collection Build-a-Megazord Astro Megazord // Space Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink

Power Rangers in Space was one of my favorite suit designs I had seen. Although they look pretty simple, white boots, long cuffed gloves, simple suit design with the colors of the rangers on the chest and the white along the shoulders I loved them! Even the helmet which was one of my favorite then, the visor with the circle up top and the silver mouthplate made them look "alien," which made sense because they're "in Space." They're based off Denji Sentai Megaranger which was actually a video game themed season. I think it works really well and it was weird having a Megazord that wasn't composed out of 5 different vehicles or machines, the entire ship was the Megazord. I did skip out on this part of the line, and honestly I regretted it. I saw them at Wal-Mart and passed, then at FYE and considered but the $27.99 per figure scared me off thankfully. I waited until they re-released in order for me to finally get them. I ordered the Red Ranger at the store but they gave me Mighty Morphin' Red so I had to go back and exchange him only to find out that all action figures were 25% off and I did try to get that deal but they didn't follow through with it unfortunately... Let's get to it...

Of course, the trend of no individual weapons. You only get the Astro Blaster which is the nicest of all of the weapons in my opinion. It's the one with the most paint and even has little details on the sides painted which is not really common honestly. Even the handle has thin bits of silver lining.
They fit on the hand nicely but because of the lack of trigger fingers he can't really "shoot" with it.
All of the guys share the same base male body. It doesn't have much reuse except for maybe the upper forearm, the upper shin and maybe the lower torso and hip pieces.
The yellow and chest logo is sculpted and painted in nicely. The shoulders don't have the "square" or sharp tips that the real suits have and it's good because who thought that was a good idea?
The buckle is nice and gold, it looks like an email icon which helps with the whole video game and internet aesthetic the show was going for. The cuffs and boots don't have anything special, they're just white. The holster is on the right side and it fits in very loosely so it'll come out easily.

Red Space Ranger

Andros was one of the coolest rangers in my opinion, he had long hair and looked amazing. I also liked Red so that helped. The helmet has a sharp tip at both ends of the visor. You can see the Megaranger logo at the center of the forehead.
Articulation is pretty basic for the male body, much like the rest of the other teams.
He fits in with Zeo Ranger 5 and the Red Mighty Morphin' Ranger. They use the same red plastic so he isn't out of place.
Similar height and different aesthetic. It's nice to see the Rangers side by side.

Black Space Ranger

Andros is the only Ranger I really remember, Carlos I know had that crossover episode.
The ends of the visor have three faces which make it look like a stretched out hectagon.
I saw some clips of the crossover and it's always nice to see older Rangers with the newer ones even it was just Adam and not the rest of the team.
I still haven't decided which I like more, Black or Green? I like both and I think it depends of the design of the ranger.

Blue Space Ranger

T.J. Was another ranger I remember because he was the Red Turbo Ranger!
The visor on him is inverted from the Red Rangers which is kind of ironic.
There seems to be more variation is color from the Blue Rangers, Zeo Red is the darkest but not by much.
The girls share the same base body, for the most part they're the same as the guys, they share little bits and pieces but for the most part it's a new sculpt. Even the skirt design is different from Zeo and MMPR.
Same amount of detail just in smaller scale. A little too stylized for my liking but it is what it is.
There doesn't seem to be a slit at the sides of the skirt. The feet are also very small so they're hard to stand. The girls have especially loose ankles. Another thing is the lack of double elbows which is very annoying.

Yellow Space Ranger

Ashley I don't remember much of, her helmet has two faces. It's like a stretched out hexagon.
It's nice to see her with the other Yellow Rangers, I got her first on Amazon where she was listed for about $11. I didn't pay anything since I had some credit earned.
The girls can hold the blaster but I think it's a little too big even for the guys.

Pink Space Ranger

Cassie Chan I do remember especially because her actress, Patricia Ja Lee, portrayed Haruhi Suzumiya in the live action shorts.
The ends of her visor are rounded, and much like the other Pink Rangers, the shade is dark.
She does match the Pink MMPR Ranger and is not as dark as Zeo Ranger 1.

Space Rangers

As a team I love them, they're such a good design but I wish the girls' skirt wasn't so restrictive. Everyone for the most part has double jointed knees, hinge and swivel wrists with ball joints that attach to the hand. Waist, bicep and thigh swivel. hinged and rocker ankles. Guys have an ab crunch and double jointed elbows, girls have a diaphragm swivel and single jointed elbows.
Additional hands and individual weapons would have been greatly appreciated.
I used to think that certain teams had pretty lazy design especially is the helmets themselves weren't themed.
But even for this team the helmets aren't identical as you can see from the visor.

Astro Megazord

The Astro Megazord is the squarest of the BAM Megazords. He actually pulls off a combiner and vinyl figure stance which is kind of funny. The detail is all there and because of the nature of the Mecha in the show the color is accurate for the most part. It looks the most complete because of the simple color scheme.
The head looks very nice with the yellow eyes and spaceship head. There is a head swivel.
The elbows are hinged, the head, wirsts, and waist are on a swivel. The shoulders are hinged and swivels but the legs, knees, and ankles are ball jointed. Admittedly the ball joints on the knees aren't so bad because of the sculpt
It's the best looking out of all of the BAMs, even the basic silver plastic that they used is nice and glossy.
As a whole, I love them very much and I'm glad I managed to get them before they all rose in price by $30, not all of them though.
That's pretty much it for the Zordon Era teams and they look fantastic together. I would have liked to have the Turbo Rangers or even the Alien Rangers but it is what it is. Hasbro now has the license and rights to the Series and what they're making is very promising. I'm excited to see what they have in store. GameStop should still have them for $22.99 so give that a look. Check Amazon or Wal-Mart for cheaper prices, $19.99 or $18.95 respectively. Happy hunting!

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