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Thursday, July 4, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame - Hasbro Marvel Legends War Machine Mark 006 // Rescue 0049 // Endgame Hulk Build-a-Figure

With the re-release of Avengers: Endgame that I still haven't watched there's a whole new set of Marvel Legends coming out. The second wave for Endgame has some very anticipated figures. Shuri that was teased last year with the 2nd wave of Black Panther figures, the heavily armored Mark 006 War Machine, 0049 Rescue Armor for Pepper Potts, and Professor Hulk along with other comic figures (Rock Python, Union Jack, Loki, and Beta Ray Bill). One of the downsides were that War Machine and Hulk aren't the versions everyone was expecting, we'll get to that in a bit. This set had been out for a couple months at this point at Targets in different parts of the United States but I had no luck finding it. I did have it pre-ordered on Amazon but I ended up finding all of them at GameStop two weeks ago. They were a lot more expensive but I just couldn't wait...

War Machine Mark 006

War Machine is the only figure out of the bunch that doesn't include a BAF piece. You see an Avengers' logo in the front.
You see some concept art of the 006 War Machine Armor which looks awesome but no renders from the film. I do like the colors used in the concept art more than the figures'.
The side has a different piece of artwork that still looks cool.
There isn't any direct mention of the events in Avengers: Endgame in the bio they gave him.

"When the fate of humankind is at stake, there is no mission too great for U.S. military officer James "Rhodey" Rhodes, a.k.a. War Machine."

Out of the box there are a couple pieces that you have to attach, it's fairly easy. Once they're attached, the armor is pretty impressive, it's bulky and fairly poseable for what the sculpt allows. The colors don't match the Star Spangled glow that it had in the movie but the detail is there you can still customize. The blaster on the right shoulder is on a ball joint but it doesn't get much up and down.
The shoulder pieces are made out of a soft rubbery plastic that doesn't limit movement. It looks prone to warping but I don't want to test it out. As much as I like this suit I would have liked the Infinity War Armor, hopefully we'll get that at some point. There's a lot of panels that are sculpted in which makes him look menacing and well protected, the color scheme is simple as well. Some silver here and a dull gray color for most of the body. The lights are painted red, the eyes and reactor have white paint in the center to give the appearance of glow. It would have been easy to install a light due to how bulky he is, I'm surprised they didn't.
The head is unique, it doesn't look like an Iron Man helmet with a different color scheme. He looks angry and the face and chin plates give him a slight smile.
He only comes with "3" accessories but I don't really count them. The rifles on the forearms have ports for effects pieces if you have any from the various different Iron Men that have been released.
The head and diaphragm are on a ball joint. The hinge on the neck is limited due to the sculpt so even if you use both joints he can't look forward if you pose him for flying shots. Elbows are on a hinge and swivel. Thigh swivel, double jointed knees, rocker ankles. Very very slight articulation on the wrists, hinge and swivel.
The guns of the forearms don't snap in, they just use friction so they'll move around easily and they come tend to fall off often.
A Rhodey head would have been appreciated or alternate hands as well.
Especially for a character that uses a lot of weapons and gadgets, he gets the short end of the stick. The gun on the shoulder doesn't have a peg which is unfortunate but that's fine, I still like the figure.

Rescue 0049

Pepper Pott's rescue armor was one of the coolest parts of Endgame. Unfortunately, toy leaks revealed that surprised months before the film came out so it was just a waiting game to see when it was going to happen.
The back and sides have the same concept art that isn't much different from what was in the movie.
"From CEO of Stark Industries to powered by Stark Tech, Pepper Potts protects world order in her own Rescue Suit designed by Tony Stark."
She has a couple pieces, the main body of the Hulk, and two backpacks.
You put the basic pack on her pack to complete the look. She looks good! Nice glossy paint throughout the body unlike Tony's Mark 50 Armor which had unpainted dull red plastic. Unfortunately mine had really loose joints, especially on the knees, so she's hard to stand up.
The proportions look a little strange, the really long neck and the odd hips don't help. There's a lot of panels in the suit, the upper thighs do restrict the articulation because of the way they are sculpted. Besides that most of her works really well. The ankles do look a little strange because of the way the joint was implemented. Actually the wrists are sculpted weird because of the wrist joint the hand swivels in a strange way.
The helmet has a very alien yet feminine appearance. It's very "thin" compared Iron Man's helmets. You can clearly see that she's supposed to be Rescue. The head sits up fairly high on the neck which gives her the really alien appearance.
Thankfully she can do the superhero landing pose if you position her correctly, it isn't perfect but it's passable and if you work your angles.
Since the head is so high the range of motion is very good. The head is on a ball joint and hinge. Double jointed knees and elbows, ball jointed diaphragm, thigh and bicep swivel.
Rocker ankle, hinge and swivel hips and shoulders. The hands are on a hinge and swivel as well but because of the way the forearm is sculpted they're kind of useless.
Her backpack has an open mode which she uses while flying. I didn't notice this until someone pointed it out on one of the social medias, the black parts are on hinges and they come out.
It just adds a whole extra layer to the degree of coolness.
The effect pieces from Mark 50 Iron Man suit her nicely. She doesn't come with open hands so she can't use them as repulsors which is a little sad honestly.
I wish she came with the nano tech weapons she used while she was fighting alongside Tony in his Mark 85 Armor at the end of the movie.
Now in order to build the hulk you need, Rescue who comes with the main body.
Shuri who comes with the left leg.
Rock Python comes with the left arm.
Union Jack comes with the right hand.
Loki comes with the right leg.
Beta Ray Bill comes with two heads!
Once you put it together you get...

Hulk (Endgame)

This is based on the Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame design. Those are Tony's jeans that Bruce wore during Ragnarok. He does appear like this again later in the movie when they go to New York when they're trying to get the Tesseract, the Scepter, and the Eye of Agamotto. The proportions look so much better on this figure though a bit square on the shoulders.
The face is clearly Mark Ruffalo, he looks very close and it's not a "Hulk" face but I guess you could pass it off. The BAF is nicknamed Smart Hulk since he's most likely based off his appearance in Endgame since Bruce had better control then.
The head is on a dumbell joint which is actually pretty limited but gives more movement than the Age of Ultron body. The shoulders and hips are on a hinge and swivel joint.
Bicep and thigh swivel, double hinged elbows and knees. Waist swivel AND a ball jointed diaphragm which is great and more figures need that, although Beast has the ab crunch, ball jointed diaphragm, and waist swivel!
Rocker ankles with a hinde for forward and back movement. Wrist are on a swivel and hinge, although one is closed and one is open, I'd prefer one or the other but what can you do?
The second head is the "smirking" head which, again, looks so much like Mark Ruffalo.
It also adds for so much personality on the figure I love it.
If only he had a pair of glasses he would be perfect.
He's taller than the Armored Thanos Build-a-Figure which is good since you can have him square up against him.
I wish there was a little more Hulk v. Thanos action in Endgame but it's cool.
Admittedly this was not the hulk everyone was waiting for. It was a big fight between Team Suit Hulk or Purple Suit Hulk, this wasn't even an option. Still, I was a little disappointed but I still love it since it give me options. I could make him a tank top, sweats, a t-shirt and cardigan, and it would look perfect! Also a pair of glasses because he need those.
He wouldn't be the first or last MCU figure to get the concept art short end of the stick but I appreciate him for what he is.
And you can still recreate a lot of scenes from the movie with this updated hulk figure.
Out of the MCU Build-a-Figures he is one of the larger ones, taller than the first Thanos BAF and shorter than the Cull Obsidian BAF.
He's also taller than the Age of Ultron body and looks so much better, the hips are a huge improvement.
Along other Endgame figures he scales pretty well, I never realized how tall he actually was.
Alongside his wave 2 movie mates. 
His Ragnarok co-stars as well.
The Purple suited Hulk will come out as a Figuarts and a Diamond Select, although I think the Diamond Select will be the better of the two, the face of the Figuarts looks bleh, not much like Mark.
With Spider-Man: Far From Home being the end of phase 4 and bringing the Infinity War saga to an end, I'm eager to see what will happen to these characters that have stuck around for 10 years. With this new wave I have started to see it at Wal-Mart for about $18.95 a piece so that's your best bet. Amazon still has some of them for preorder and it's not a terrible price at about $19.99, GameStop has them for $22.99, the most expensive as usual but they had them earlier than most places. Best of luck hunting!

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