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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Review: Star Wars - Disney Store Exclusive Black Series Stormtrooper with Blast Effects

There's something about the Stormtrooper that I really like but I can't pinpoint it. It may have to do with it being a soldier in a similar way to any kind of grunt in any Tokusatsu. Since the suits cover the body and are very... Toku, for lack of a better term. And I guess Star Wars is very Tokusatsu since a lot of the techniques that were used are very similar, if not, identical to the way Eiji Tsuburaya with Toho made their Kaiju films. But the white armor with the black under...wear? looks really nice! I love it, and if you have an army of them, even better. The amount of people with dozens of these figures make me extremely jealous, I would love to have that many... I mean I can... but I want to buy other things. So for now... only two of these Stormtroopers. These designs are from the Empire, back with the original trilogy and Solo and Rogue One since they take place in more or less the same era. These were Disney store exclusives and I got them, not only because they're the original designs and the only other ones I have are one Mimban Stormtrooper and the Imperial Deathtroopers. The blast effects are what really sold me, which are some things that you get with effect parts from Tamashii which... I haven't bought yet for some reason but these are really nice substitutes. Let's get into the figures and box!

The box itself is pretty standard with the colors but it's huge! And I'm  surprised this figure cost me about $25, I would have thought it'd be about $30 since everything in the Disney Store is expensive and overpriced in my opinion. The back has some description of the characcter.

"Stormtroopers are elite sock troops fanatically loyal to the Empire and impossible to sway from the Imperial cause. They were imposing white armor, which offers a wide range of survival equipment and temperature controls to allow the soldiers to survive in almost any environment. Stormtroopers wield blaster rifles and pistols with great skill, and attack in hordes to overwhelm their enemies."

Taking the contents out of the box you get the Stormtrooper, a blaster rifle, a blast effect, two explosions and a stand which apparently is new, and this is the only figure that has it as far as I know. I bought Zuckuss and Captain Phasma there too but they didn't come with the stand. 
The sculpt is great! I love it, but comparing it to pictures of the actual costume, it's a little skinny which is typical for a figure so it's nothing new. The sculpt is nice on the armor and the little painted details on the torso and helmet look good. I didn't notice that there was more than just some black details here an there. There are silver parts with black outlines and some blue in the helmet. There's a port in the back for something to plug in but it doesn't come with any accessories that go there.
 And the "battle damage" looks okay, not bad, not great. It just looks like it was smeared on since the suit doesn't have any dents and a little too clean. It's very white and then all of a sudden there's something that looks like mud that was smeared on the chest and helmet.
You also get the signature weapon, the blaster rifle which is essential with any storm trooper. It's molded in solid black plastic, it has a little sheen and it fits nicely in the right hand with the trigger finger. That's another thing, the hands kinda look funky on the figure, mainly the left one.
 Thankfully it's articulated enough and the armor doesn't get in the way of the Trooper's ability to hold the rifle with both hands.
 You can also store it neatly in the holster which I had a little bit of trouble fitting it in. It's tight.
 One of the neat pieces in this set is the muzzle flash effect which fits comfortably in the blaster rifle, it attaches through pure friction and is made specifically for this figure.
 Another piece is the display stand with the Star Wars logo on it and two pegs on the far corners.
 You can flip the portion with the logo and in the back it has some flooring details which is neat, and I did not know that you can display it with this side up, I thought it was just some detail in the back rather than just being another option to have it as.
 The pegs are on the far corners and you can pick either one which is okay I guess. I wish it was closer to the center but then again you wouldn't be able to flip that piece. And for me, that piece falls off way too easily, it doesn't plug in right.
 You can attach two of these together by the sides and they hold on pretty well.
 The bigger blast effect is nicely painted and isn't a solid translucent piece, it has a good fade.
 It also comes with a smaller one which is painted the same. They're both hollow so if you can shine some light in them I'm sure they'll look even better.
If you have multiple it adds a lot more character to a display and you don't have to Photoshop.
 I love these a lot more than I thought I would, and the articulation is great, the double jointed elbows and knees. Articulation on the ankles and wrists, swivels on the thighs and biceps. The joints on the shoulders and hips are very limited because of the design and sculpt which is disappointing considering how nice the rest of the articulation works. The head on both of mine are very loose, it's not the ball joint, the ball joint is great but the hinge that has the ball joint is so loose it's tricky getting them to look around without them looking like they're drunk.
 Some comparison with other repaints of these that I have. It seems to use the same sculpt as the Sandtrooper which makes use of the peg in the back, this one was the one that came with the Dewback. And the Mimban Stormtrooper which, at least to me, the helmet looks like a completely different sculpt.  Anyway, I really like these and it's nice to have them displayed with other figures in the line.
 If you get creative with the effect parts they can work in different situations, the muzzle flash doesn't go on any blaster though. It works with Baze Malbus though which is neato.
 And now my Chirrut can fight some troopers because Donnie Yen is awesome y'know. I highly recommend these and for the price of $25, I think that's fair, and the explosions can be handy with other display ideas such as with my Monsterarts :D

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