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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Vintage Collection Kylo Ren (VC117)

The Vintage Collection Kylo Ren, maybe my 3rd VC Star Wars figure and I don't know why but man am I warming up the 3.75" scale which isn't good for my room, my wallet or many other things! I do get there on clearance at GameStop although Amazon and Ebay have them for very cheap prices too which is a double edged sword. I never thought I'd want to collect these and now that I have 4 Stormtroopers... I think I need more and they're fairly easy to find, if they're the older variety like The Force Awakens or Rogue One characters. The cheap prices that I have paid, make it harder to justify the price of $12-13 for this scale. The only figure I have paid full price for is Enfys Nest, and I thought that'd be the only one I'd be getting but hahahaha. No. Man do I have a problem. Let's get to the figure!

Ben Solo! Only son of Han Solo! And that's funny to me because reasons. I have seen the daughter of Han Solo every time I go to GameStop and I haven't bought her yet, at some point I'll get to it. The first time I saw TFA the sequel hate was getting to me so of course I saw Kylo Ren as a wannabe Darth Vader that throws tantrums, which he does! But Cinemawins and that one episode of Movies with Mikey from Filmjoy makes me see the character in an all new light. And I re-watched it recently and I enjoyed the movie the second time. I did get the figure before I re-watched it, I saw Kylo Ren more of an accessory for my Stormtroopers because what are Stormtroopers if they're not flanking y'know. The detail great for such a small scale and the texture on the soft goods skirt (?) is okay, it doesn't really fit in or looks good in certain angles. The hood and helmet are one whole piece which hinders the articulation and the best he can do is wiggle his head side to side. 
He comes with two accessories, one is an unlit lightsaber hilt which has a peg on it's side to peg on the side of the belt. And it doesn't peg in that well honestly so I had to put in a pinch of blu tack so it stays and it holds well after that but the more you move that waist swivel the more that hilt wants to get loose.
 The other one is the infamous three sabered (?) lightsaber! While it does look quite goofy, I've gotten used to it. At this point the saber looks normal and I can't imagine Kylo Ren without it. The detail of the hilts is nicely sculpted for such a small accessory. The saber part has sculpting to it too, it's not just a straight piece of translucent plastic.
 The elbow swivels allow him to hold it with two hands! A little too close to the body though. The leg articulation is wonky, the same way as the First Order Stormtrooper so he is a pain to stand up and he can barely stand up straight so "dynamic" poses a hassle. The knees are also wonky and the plastic skirt under the soft goods get in the way of the legs. The wrists are on a swivel and hinge and they're meant to hold the saber so no trigger finger. 
The shoulders on a hinge and swivel joint and the head is on a very restricted ball joint. He fits in with other 3.75" Star Wars figures.
 I was surprised he could pick up Rey like this, it did take a couple tries but it works!
 Here he is with some 6" Black Series figures, the First Order Stormtrooper and the 40th Anniversary Darth Vader.
 The Black Series General Leia Organa and The Vintage Collection Rey which is a repackaged Black Series figure.
Basic 3.75" Figures, the The Force Awaken's Rey and The Last Jedi's Force Link General Hux, he doesn't seem out of place.
 And because I still like Power Rangers, the 4" Red Megaforce Ranger and the 5" Red Ninja Steel Ranger
He's a nice addition to the collection and they take up less room. I really hate the hip articulation, if they could fix that, Kylo and the Troopers would be more than perfect at this scale. He looks good with the other Star Wars figures and since I have a bunch of Troopers he looks better with his soldiers. 

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