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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Reviews: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - Training Mode Red, Yellow. and Pink

 Ninja Training mode is probably one of the best things to come out of the Ninja Steel line since it means Ranger suit-less versions of our heroes, unfortunately, much like the armored Ranger and Zord figures, only half of the team was released. These do appear in the show and they do fight in this mode and it isn't just part of the morphing sequence. It is a shame that Preston, Hayley and Levi weren't released but we must hold out hope!

 From the start, they are very well detailed and decently articulated, they are only missing wrist and ankle swivels which is unfortunate but they're still really high quality for a standard 5 inch figure. They're surprisingly shiny because of the black plastic that's used. The communicator is sculpted in and the belt is just the same as the ranger mode.
 Red comes with the hook thingy on the rope with the handle. The blade is shaped like the lightning bolt which has been used as part of the Power Rangers logo since the beginning.
 The dagger with sharp knuckles which also has a lightning bolt shaped blade. It's probably my favorite weapon of the bunch.
 Unfortunately they don't come with the morpher in standard form but they can hold the ones from the 6 figure packs.
 And of course they can hold the sword!
Yellow is basically the exact same figure and the skin tone is identical.
 He comes with the hook-rope-thingy as well
 The knuckle dagger thingy
 He can hold the sword
 And the morpher in sword or claw form
 Pink is a different mold, she's much thinner and mine has oddly bent legs and she comes with a claw!
 She comes with the same hook-rope-thingy
 She can hold the morpher in both modes
 and the sword!
 That's pretty much it, it's a shame that the rest weren't released, it would be nice to have the entire team in this mode. They are also really nice figures and I'm hoping that they are released somehow in the next couple modes before Beast Morphers!

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