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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Review: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - NKOK RC Bull Rider Zord

 After Stonedozer is turned giant, the rangers call on the Bull Rider Zord to fight him! Of course he shows up in buggy form and is a completely different prop from the one they would use for the transformation sequence if it wasn't CG. The fact that they made this is amazing since I wanted a version to display in this form. What is cool to me is that the show uses a prop just like this for the scenes in which he drives around much like in the commercial that has 100 views on youtube... I'm surprised no one else has made a video about this toy.

 Since it's an RC toy he comes with a controller and no batteries, I have no idea how many batteries he needed but I think they were AA for the Zord and AAA for the remote. From afar, the Zord already looks amazing, there are some little things that I would change much like the wheels in the front. I did play with this quite a bit and I crashed it against the wall by accident and the bumper broke... but I glued it back! It was kinda brittle since the plastic piece was thin...
 The remote itself is a little funky, this is not my kind of remote. It's held on the left hand and the Zord goes forward if you push the trigger forward and back if you push it backwards. The steering is easy enough, the steering wheel is self explanatory. It goes really fast! from 0-100! And it's not easy to control in a small room.
 The cool part is the Power Rangers Ninja Steel sticker which has the space logo much like a lot of the packaging in the line. I'm surprised since it's not made by Bandai so why would it share the packaging.
 The Zord itself is absolutely beautiful, I love it! The eyes are translucent and they turn on once you drive it. The bumper and the nose ring are not connected which isn't completely accurate but whatever. Look at that paint on the ring and horns! Actual gold paint!
 The details on the sides are painted a nice shade of silver and the blade blaster thingy is a nice silver and gold. It looks a lot like the transformable one. The tires are rubber and they look great! They have a nice grip on wood floor.
 The back of it is a simple Ninja Power Star and it's surprisingly accurate. The amount of detail that they put on this, even when they didn't have to, is really impressive.
Robo Rider Zord is also detailed! The amount of paint is impressive for something Bandai would have probably just made a solid hunk of blue plastic with no paint applications. The hands do look weird and he doesn't come off. The only inaccurate part of him is the chest, but you don't really see it so they probably felt he didn't need the team emblem.
It's also nicely in scale with the other 5" figures and he looks just fine with Stonedozer!
 He fits right in and it also makes me wish I had the artisan Rodeomaru or that they had made an 5" like they did with Robo Red. That wouldn't have been too difficult.
 Overall I'm quite pleased, and if you have the room to play with he's absolutely perfect!

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