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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Reviews: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - Villain Stone Dozer

 Stonedozer! He was trying to wreck Levi's concert but that didn't happen, honestly it's been too long for me to remember the episode but this was the first episode where they fight a MotW together as a team of 6 rangers! He puts up a fight, or at least I thought he did. I watched the clips and he is kind of just pushed around, that's with the lack on context of course but I thought he did a lot more than just run around and get hit by Levi and Brody. Let's move onto the toy!

This design is pretty cool, he is based off a Daidarabotchi which is supposed to be a giant Yokai that poses as a mountain range when it sleeps. In the show he isn't all that giant at the beginning like the Skullgators. He has an interesting design which does look good in toy form.
 I like the green and yellow color scheme that he has going on, the claw and bucket are a nice addition to the monster, unfortunately he isn't painted in the back all that well but he looks good!
 The threads aren't fully painted at the feet. It would look really nice with a good black wash to get the details out. He is also fairly articulated at the shoulders and the elbows, the hips are articulated but the knees don't bend but they rotate for whatever reason...
 He also fits in properly with the 6" figures although I wish he had better articulation, the shoulders are very restrictive with the range of motion he could have.
Still, it makes for a really nice figure and I don't regret getting him, part of me really wishes the claw and the bucket were articulated at the wrist and the claw to open and close. 
 Still, once he was defeated by Brody and Levi he turns giant which marks the appearance of... and that's for next week! If you have the Basher Bots he'll look just perfect since it's that episode in which they appear.

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