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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Updates: Return of the Mush

It's been an eventful and rough time these past couple months but I have made my return, I'm not sure what I want to review next... There are many options, I don't know if I should continue with the Shurikenger or Ninja Steel stuff or if I should change it up for the next couple rounds. I have gotten hooked onto other toylines... One of which is called....

Marvel Legends

 To be fair I did have most of the Okoye BAF wave a while ago, but I just recently got way into the MCU and I'm a lost cause at this point, I want all of the Marvel Legends, mainly the MCU ones but it doesn't hurt to have the comic versions either...
 Like the vintage series, some of which I got off clearance and discounted from Amazon plus some comic version of the characters that come in regular waves mixed in with the MCU versions. Another toy series I got way too into is...

Black Series

 I was never that into Star Wars, I knew it was a thing but I paid little attention to it. I watched Rogue One in theaters and Solo because my dad wanted to and I watched the original trilogy over the summer. I'm also caught up with the current trilogy and the prequels are hazy, since I wasn't able to watch them as a whole so we'll see. As for...

 Bandai of America

 I don't know what will happen to them, I'll get the older stuff of course and I want to finish most of the Legacy Collection merchandise but as for their new products... I don't know. Maybe the Dragon Ball lines since they look interesting but I might just get all the imports from Bandai Japan and Tamashii.
So let me know if you're interested in any of these, I'll figure out what to post soon.

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