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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Review: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - Armored Rumble Tusk Zord

The Rumble Tusk Zord! Which is the main (or at least one of) reason why I got the other Armored figures. It's basically the Rumble Tusk Zord but with a lot more articulation. It doesn't turn into an elephant but he is his battle mode with the cannons on the shoulder. It might have taken me a while to get this figure but here it is! And honestly, it isn't disappointing, I'm pleased.

The figure is pretty basic and it has the minimum paint applications that it needs in order to look like the Rumble Tusk Zord model in the show. The kneecaps and the trunk are main parts that should have been painted but weren't. Some black detailing but it looks good in the sculpt.
 The Elephant face is also small in comparison to the rest of his body, it doesn't suit him.
 It's also in scale with the other armored figures. It looks really nice nexk to the robo-red zord.
As for accessories it does come with a couple of accessories, The Shuriken is the same one as Robo-Red Zord's. The cannons also clip onto the shoulder but they can go on any hole it plugs in.
The elephant face is also a separate piece that you need to attach.
You have to detach the face and then snap on the armor and you plug in the face. 
Much like White and Dragon Zord, it has the Tornando Twist.
It just snaps on and tada!
 It doesn't really change but the armor looks cool I guess..
 Okay, maybe it looks a lot better than I guess but the articulation is the main point out of the Zord figures since the regular toys are just bricks that can't really move or parts force,
 The cannons are nicely detailed but they could have painted with at least some silver.
 Due to the lihtness and the armore stanc... I'm falling asleep so I'll just leave it there, since it's light you put him on a stand and he can shoot from the air!
 It's a nice addtjtjk tk tbe ca... More sleepy rambles! It's a nice addition to the collection and trust me, he's worth it and he fits in scale with your other 5" figures. You can have him fight Skullgators or even Ripperat. The point is, he's cool and now I have him! Yay!

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