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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Review: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - Mega Morph Cycle (with Red Ranger)

The Mega Morph cycle! Part of the Mega Morph line which consists of 3 cycles and a copter and a bunch of other stuff that don't appear in the show. Why am I reviewing this bike? well, it does make an appearance in the show! Power Rangers has some history with bringing Bandai's toy designs into the show, turning it into a 30 minute commercial as if it wasn't already. And honestly, it's starting to grow on me, I really like it. This particular cycle comes with the Red Ranger, the other two have Calvin for the Ninja Steel line, and the Gold Ranger for Super Ninja Steel one. Clavin's and Gold's bikes are just repaints of this one, and since this one is the one that actually does show up in the show, I'm reviewing this one. In episode 5 it's revealed that Calvin cannot drive despite him being show with his truck and being pretty good with motor vehicles and Hayley was the one behind the wheel all along. Calvin crashed a go kart when he was little and ever since then he's been afraid to drive and in this episode he has to overcome his fear. After Mick makes the Mega Morph Cycle Power Star, Clavin has to drive it in order to save his friends!

On it's own, as a Power Star it does look good from the top. The actual Power Star isn't the entire bike itself but the front of the bike where the Red Ninja Emblem is, from the bottom, the wheels are folded into themselves held together by some clips. It also has a Zord Builder port on the back (left side) which allows it to peg into any Zord builder port. In order to transform it into a Cycle, you have to press the back of the seat and ta-da! A gimmick!
 And in order to put it back together you have to make sure the bigger tire is pegged in properly, otherwise the front tire will be a pain to clip inside the rear tire and the handles won't clip in place.
 Once it's a cycle, it looks very very nice, not super screen accurate, but close enough. The springs act as suspension and because the back tire is so large and wide, it's able to balance and stand up on it's own. It's also hollow so the heavier part will always end up on the bottom.
 I just love it, it looks fantastic! For a toy that has a gimmick, it's in a surprisingly good quality.
 The wheels are slightly offset due to the design but it doesn't stop it from balancing.
 The front is also one of my favorite parts of the Cycle, it shows the sharp details and the good paint.
I'm still surprised the paint is good and not dull. Seriously, it makes for a good display piece. 
As for the Red Ranger... yeah, it's a really basic figure that has a different mold and articulation than the other 5" Rangers. All or most of the detail is where it needs to be but it's just not painted.
 When you put it next to the Standard Red Ranger Action Hero, you can really tell, the shoulders are cut weirdly and the wrist aren't articulated, or the boots! The waist has the side of the leg in a weird mold. The knee articulation is awkward, however it does allow it to get into a good riding pose.
 But it needed to do that since it's the figure it came with. Calvin should have come with this release but it is what it is. Thankfully I have 2 Clavin because of the Spinferno Good vs. Evil set.
 It's designed to ride the bike so of course it looks good.
 You can pose it... or "pose," it's a bike so there is only so much it can do, and since it's wide, you can't do certain poses, even with the Rangers. Other 5" figures are able to ride the Cycle, but getting them to sit properly can be a little hard.
 And honestly, with the paint details of the regular figures, it looks so much better. I'm tempted to get another 5 just to give them their own bikes like in the show.
 The girls can also ride the bike but the skirt piece gets distorted which I don't like.
 And since it has the Zord Builder port, it pegs into any Zord Builder pegs.
Overall, I really love this toy, I don't usually get Gimmicky stuff but this Bike's appearance in the show made me want to get one and I did like it. It's a nice addition to the collection and almost any of the 5" figures can ride it. This version is the only good one in my opinion but if you want to get the others, you can. Lucky for me I have two extra yellows and have options!

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