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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Review: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - Villian Basher Monster

I watched the first episode of Ninja Steel! Which was a little less than I expected, not that I had high or any expectations but it just wasn't the best. The Basher Monster, or at least this variation of the Basher didn't appear much in this episode. I'm not here to talk about the show but still, I wanted some context before making this episode like I did with my reviews for Megaforce a couple years ago. Apparently they're upgraded from the Kudabots and the Basherbots are called Jukkarage (ジュッカラゲ) in Ninninger. Apparently, they don't appear until Episode 8 which is far far from where I'm at. (I wrote that a couple months ago)

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Review: Power Rangers (Super) Ninja Steel - Action Hero Gold Ranger

 Levi Weston! Yehaw! The Gold Ranger in Power Rangers Ninja Steel who was saved from the Warrior Dome Ship by the Astro Zord. There's more to it but I won't go into any further details for now. He does however, have a modified Morpher which is slightly remolded and repainted. He still uses the Burger morpher to take selfies. As for the figure, he doesn't come with either of those accessories but he does have the Rockstorm Guitar!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Review: Shuriken Sentai Ninninger - Minipla UFOmaru

Putting the trouble of getting the Astro Zord apart, UFOmaru was really easy to get and relatively cheap. I got him along with the other 3 otomonin as well as another Shurikenjin for about 60 dollars which was a really good deal! I'm not sure which mode I like the most though, I like both Shurikenjin Paon and Shurikenjin UFO. Kasumi had a big part in getting UFOmaru with her otomonin translation machine and they even made it to the moon! (???)
These Minipla figures are very detailed but they have to compensate whenever they transform, this one is a good example of partsforming since you have to take it apart and put it together to become UFOmaru. With this one I had to resort to using one more sticker on it than I did with Paon because of really really small details like the "Nin Nin" on the crest.
 I also messed up the paint job on the cockpit but it's really small and not noticeable from afar.
 It is much smaller than the Astro Zord but it looks much better in my opinion and it's not just because I painted it myself! That's just one of the reasons.
 Of course it can transform and doing that requires just as much partsforming as it does to get it in UFO mode. One thing that bothers me is the pegs on the legs since they come off easily.
 Aside from that, I did a decent job painting the buttons and the silver on the chest. It's not super noticeable but it is there. I thought this was going to be harder to paint.
 It's half the size of the Astro Zord but just as detailed and more articulated.
The hat is nicely detailed and the sticker for the Shuriken looks like space! The shades of blue and the slight metallic effect make it work.
As we know, the gimmick is that they sit on Shurikenjin and doing that is easy but getting him into a good sitting posture isn't. His legs pop off while trying to get him to sit but once you get him in it works just fine.
 He can hold the Blaster just fine in this mode unlike the Astro Megazord which couldn't hold it with Robo-Red Zord. The main reason is because of the handle, the one in UFOmaru is further out than Astro Zord so holding it doesn't get in the way of the knee joints in Shinobimaru. I am liking the Minipla figures and I can't wait to review more and get more. I always saw them on the Youtubes so it's nice to have them in hand. They can transform and are articulated! How much better can it be? I wish the DX versions were like this though. Much like the Soul of Chogokin Daizyujin or Original Megazord but that thing is really expensive... Anyway I'll see you on the next review.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Review: Power Rangers Ninja Steel - DX Astro Megazord

 Alrighty, now onto one of my most recent purchases, before or after the last post. This one was a tough one to get for some reason and I paid more than twice as much than I would have if I had bought one in store last year. I'm a little salty since I would have paid much less had I bough him a week in advance but there's nothing I can do now and it already messed up my schedule. Anyway, I'm surprised how much I like it, especially since, I post pictures of my instagram and with the little engagement that I get, there reception towards the repaints are not good. I do like them, I'm not sure if I like this one or Rumble Tusk more... As far as I'm aware, there is no Sub Surfer Zord planned so this is basically all of the repaints of the Ninja Steel Megazord, yay!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Update: Ninja Steel Collection Update + Astro Megazord Rant

Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Pink Ninja Steel Rangers.
 So far, the collection is pretty much complete. The only couple things that I'm missing are the Blaze Megazord and the Canada Exclusive pack with Mick. Oh and that Astro Megazord which is super expensive and pricey for something that is just a glorified repaint and not even a remold. And I could have gotten him for about 40 bucks if I had bought him about a week ago but I waited way too long.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Review: Shuriken Sentai Ninninger - Mini Pla Paonmaru

 A little but I'm busy, I have a job that allows me to stay home for 5 hours total (not counting sleep) but I have a good time for the most part. Mini Pla Paonmaru! I've wanted Mini Pla for a while and I'm pretty happy with what I've been seeing, I got a pack of 12 (?) which came with an extra Shurikenjin, 2 Paonmaru, 2 UFOmaru and 3 Surfermaru. You have to put them together and detail them with stickers but, for me, no stickers!