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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Mighty Morphin Bootleg Rangers - Super Mighty Force! Red, Black and Green!

MMPR on a budget
Power Rangers toys are sold in many places, including 99¢ stores. You can never have too much MMPR, these are based on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, or at least the paint job is. I got these at one of the shops in the Mall, Menlo Park Mall specifically. I've always wanted to go there since they have a pretty good selection of bootleg toys. They used to be much more common (around me) around 10 years ago and recently bootlegs or knock-offs of "decent" quality is becoming harder to find. I wasn't planning on getting these but at $1.50 or $1.49 I figured why not. This is only half of the line. They didn't have Blue, Yellow and Purple but this will do for now.

Super Mighty Force! Basic Blister pack with the logo for Super Mighty Force! I found 3 out of 6 rangers, One thing to note is that these are indeed different from the ones in the package. The promotional pictures show articulated elbows that bend as well as a light up feature that these don't have, so that's disappointing. Each Ranger comes with different accessories. Red comes with a helmet, and claws. Black comes with dual swords as well as Shurikens. Green comes with a Sai and a claw-sword-hook thingy as well as a pair of Shurikens. 
The figures are... not disappointing and the paint job is the same throughout, the white diamonds and gloves, black diamonds on the gloves, the belt is printed on.
The belt vaguely looks like the Morpher from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The visor has a white outline and a white mouthpiece. The Sculpting is basic, muscles are visible and the helmet or mask, is sculpted but the paint doesn't take advantage of what's already there. This mold is reused for so many different characters and it might be a Ninja based on the accessories or it could even be a wrestler which is likely since the head looks like a mask.
Articulation is very very very basic, just shoulder rotation, no waist, hip or neck. The promotional pictures in the package show elbow articulation but it's not in the figure. I still wish they had the light up feature. The green ranger also doesn't come with his armor or shield like in the show but you get another two accessories. As for accessories...
The helmet is two pieces and you have to attach them via pegs, you can't just slip it on. The Claws also attach via pegs on holes located around his wrist. They clip in nicely and they look pretty awesome when you have them on.
 The two swords are nicely sculpted, they have holes on the grip or handle to go in the peg on the hand of the rangers. The right peg on my Black Ranger broke off, thankfully the longer of the two swords is thick enough to hold via friction.
The hook and sai are nicely sculpted, they have holes that are for the pegs on the hands. They're made out of a hard plastic and they're not malleable, so they'll break if you're not careful.
They come with Shurikens with the Yin Yang Tu molded on, they can't really hold them. Since they come with Ninja weapons you can pretend they're from the third season where they have the Ninjetti powers! They don't come with their signature weapons or their blade blasters.
They're around 6 inches tall and they'll fit in kind of, the red on the figure is kind of a lighter shade of red than the one that's used on most other Red Ranger figures.
They're pretty nice! I hope I can find the other three to complete the set, again, they're really really cheap. Of course they're not perfect but what do you expect for $1.50, they're a heck of a lot cheaper than the Legacy Collection figures.

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