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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Review: Shuriken Sentai Ninninger - Candy Toy Fighting Action Robo Shurikenjin

 Even though I wish they had a 5" Ninja Steel Megazord, Fighting Action Robo Shurikenjin fits the description quite well! Quite honestly, it's well articulated, even more than one of the best Retrofire Megazords that have come out. Shurikenjin first appeared in the first episode of Ninninger after defeating Kamaitachi and fighting with the individual Mecha. In Ninja Steel, it doesn't appear until episode 3. Getting this was interesting, I tried looking on Ebay and I couldn't find it so I resorted to getting it from via proxy. I chose Buyee and it was expensive, the fees and shipping on top made this easily $40+... Still, it was kind of worth it.

 Out of the box, it's nice! Very thin and blocky but good! A lot of details were left unpainted and the shield and sword aren't molded or attached yet.
 The Shield and Sword are on a plastic bag. However there's an additional piece, the grill for Dumpmaru which is unpainted. There's also the candy which makes this a Candy Toy.
 Attach the pieces and it's looking a lot better, the handle for the sword is tiny but it works.
 Detail all around is there, even for parts that didn't need to be there, such as the fist in between Shinobimaru's legs. It's accurate, but it didn't need to be there. The back isn't painted and it's paintjob is the bare minimum.
 Articulation is pretty nice overall, especially those ankle joints. Unfortunately no wrist joint and articulation is restricted in some aspects due to the detail, especially in Shinobimaru's legs.
 They move out of the way to give more range for the legs but they can get in the way still.
 It fits in scale with the Gashapon figures (which are better painted) and is equally as detailed.
 One of the other important parts is that he fits in even with the 5" villains from the Ninja Steel line.
Especially Skullgator, look at how nicely they fit in together!
 Compared to other Megazord figures, he's pretty short but fits in. The plastic feels very hard and kind of cheap when handling it, but he holds together well.
 I'm really happy that there's a way to have a Shurikenjin or Ninja Steel Megazord to have with other  Megazords and the Ninja Steel villains.
I like having multiple representations of the same thing, since that's what they do in the show.
He is around 5" tall and looks better than the DX Megazord and will fit in just fine with the other 5" Ninja Steel figures and I am very glad that this exists. I'm going to try to finish the Fighting Action Robo sets since this one was better than I expected. Wish the paint was better but all I wanted was, a Megazord or Mecha that fits in with the Baddies for a nice display.

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